§ 91.36  WALLS.
   (A)   All exterior or division walls of buildings hereafter erected in the fire limits shall be of sufficient thickness to support the load to be carried. All exterior or division brick walls:
      (1)   In one story buildings shall be not less than eight inches in thickness;
      (2)   In two story buildings shall be not less than 12 inches in thickness in the first story and shall be not less than eight inches in thickness in the second story;
      (3)   In three story buildings shall be not less than 17 inches in thickness in the first story, not less than 12 inches in thickness in the second story, and not less than eight inches in thickness in the third  story.
   (B)   Reinforced stone or gravel concrete exterior or division walls with steel reinforcements running both horizontally and vertically and weighing not less than one half pound per square foot must have a thickness of not less than eight inches. That portion of exterior brick walls exposed to the street shall be faced with pressed brick. That portion of exterior hollow tile walls exposed to the street or alley shall be faced with stucco not less than one inch in thickness, or at the discretion of the owner, that portion of wall exposed to the street may be faced with pressed brick. Fire walls shall be not less than eight inches in thickness. All division walls shall be constructed so that their thickness shall be not less than 12 inches. No brick veneer buildings will be permitted or allowed to be constructed in the fire limits. Foundations, excavations, and cement basements shall be constructed of fireproof material and in the manner approved by the Building Code, adopted in Chapter 150 of this code.
('72 Code, § 7-212) Penalty, see § 10.99