(A)   The Emergency Medical Services Department is authorized to remove equipment from the city limits to provide mutual aid to fire and medical districts with whom the city has a mutual aid agreement.
   (B)   The Emergency Medical Services Department may move its emergency equipment and personnel outside the limits of the city in order to render aid in the event of a disaster or civil defense emergency or in connection with any program of practice or training for such disaster or civil defense emergency when such program is conducted or participated in by the civil defense agency of this state. Such movement may be to any point in this state, or may be into any adjoining state when mutual aid arrangements have been entered into on behalf of this state and such other state as authorized by statute.
   (C)   The Emergency Medical Services Department may move its emergency equipment and personnel outside the limits of the city for limited periods of time for the purpose of honoring fallen firefighters and emergency medical service providers from other fire and medical districts and for the purpose of participating in parades and similar events in other cities.
(Ord. 2219, passed 8-25-16)
Statutory reference:
   Emergency related definitions, see Neb. RS 81-829.39
   Interjurisdictional emergency management agreements, see Neb. RS 81-829.48