The Director shall be the executive head of the Department of Civil Defense, and shall have responsibility for the organization, administration, and operation of the civil defense and disaster control organization subject to the direction and control of the Mayor. The Director of Civil Defense shall be responsible for public relations, information and education regarding all phases of civil defense. The Director shall be responsible for the development of a civil defense and disaster control plan and upon adoption shall be responsible for such implementation and revision of the plan as to maintain it on a current state of readiness at all times. The Director shall coordinate all activities for civil defense and disaster control and shall maintain liaison and cooperate with all other interested and affected agencies, public and private. The Director shall coordinate the recruitment and training of volunteer personnel and agencies to augment the personnel and facilities of the city for civil defense purposes. The Director may issue proper insignia and papers to civil defense workers and other people directly concerned with civil defense. The Director of Civil Defense is hereby authorized to exercise the powers granted to the Mayor in regard to civil defense either in the absence or inability to serve of the Mayor or the President of the Council.
('72 Code, § 1-217)
Cross reference:
   Civil Defense, see Ch. 37