§ 110.99  PENALTY.
   Any person or any licensee who violates any of the provisions of §§ 110.10 through 110.16 shall be deemed guilty of an offense and subject to a penalty as provided in § 10.99 and in addition thereto, any person who is licensed shall be subject to the revocation of such license. Upon a complaint being filed with the City Clerk, the City Clerk shall notify the licensee in writing and shall order a hearing before the City Council to show cause why said license should not be revoked and the licensee's bond forfeited to city. The hearing shall not be more than three days after the filing of the complaint. The City Council shall conduct a special hearing for the purpose of determining whether such license shall be revoked and the licensee's bond forfeited to the city. The licensee shall appear in person or by his/her/its attorney, and if the City Council revokes said license, no refund of any portion of the application fee or occupation tax shall be made to the licensee and the licensee shall immediately close all businesses at all places under such license and the bond of the licensee shall be forfeited to city.
(Ord. 1780, passed 10-25-01)