Temporary sales of vehicles shall comply with the following conditions:
   A.   Only permitted in residential zoning districts and only on a zoning lot containing a residential dwelling unit;
   B.   Only one fully operable vehicle may be sold on a zoning lot at any given time;
   C.   Only two (2) vehicles may be sold on a zoning lot during the course of a rolling calendar year;
   D.   For this section, a "vehicle" shall be defined as a noncommercial automobile or recreational vehicle that is generally of the same size or smaller than a pickup truck, van, or sport utility vehicle typically associated with residentially generated transportation needs;
   E.   Vehicles must be registered to the address on which it is to be located for sale in the village of Wadsworth;
   F.   Vehicles must be displayed on an improved, paved surface;
   G.   For sale vehicles may be located within thirty feet (30') of a ROW line provided appropriate sightlines are maintained for the safety of vehicles and pedestrians but in no case closer than ten feet (10') to a ROW line;
   H.   Two (2) "For Sale" signs not exceeding three (3) square feet each may be displayed within the windows along with the contact information, and writing shall not be directly painted on the vehicle or on the windows. (Ord. 2016-978, 2-16-2016)