Any accessory use either permitted or required by this title which was established prior to the adoption of this title or which was a permitted accessory use at the time of establishment of such accessory use shall be continued, enlarged, replaced or removed only in accordance with the following regulations and standards:
A. Signs: All nonconforming signs shall be removed or relocated to a permitted location within one year of the adoption of this title or any amendment hereto which results in the nonconformance.
B. Parking And Loading: The off street parking and loading requirements and standards established in section 10-5-9 of this title are equally applicable to conforming and nonconforming uses. Failure to provide adequate off street parking and loading facilities shall not establish a use as a nonconforming use. The following regulations shall apply:
1. Any use for which off street parking and loading standards are established by this title which is a nonconforming use shall either provide or expand the parking in conformance with the requirements for such use as a permitted use or as otherwise approved by the village board or shall reduce the area, extent, number of employees or other appropriate measure to conform to the parking available. The nonconforming status of the principal use shall not be used as a basis for determining a lesser parking requirement than that established by this title.
2. Any permitted use in a district for which off street parking and loading standards are established by this title shall provide parking in conformance with such standards or as otherwise approved by the village board within one year of the adoption of this title or any amendment thereto which results in the nonconformance.
C. Other Accessory Uses And Buildings: Any other nonconforming structure or use accessory to either a permitted or a nonconforming use shall be regulated by the provisions of this chapter as they otherwise apply to nonconforming principal structures and uses. (Ord. 91-341, 4-2-1991)