A.   Criteria: Any home occupation, as defined in section 10-2-3 of this title, may be conducted in any dwelling unit, provided all of the following criteria are met, as well as the regulations set forth in subsections B through D of this section:
      1.   The home occupation is conducted as an economic enterprise or for compensation by a full time occupant of a dwelling unit; and
      2.   The home occupation is incidental and secondary to the use of the dwelling unit or permitted accessory structure, as the case may be, for residential purposes; and,
      3.   The home occupation does not change the essential residential character of the dwelling unit or permitted accessory structure.
   B.   Permitted Home Occupations: The following home occupations are examples of uses that are customarily incidental to and compatible with residential activities and, therefore, are allowed as a home occupation, subject to compliance with all applicable regulations of this code:
      1.   Artist, writer, musician, teacher.
      2.   Salesperson or manufacturer's representative.
      3.   Professional office, including doctor, lawyer, engineer, architect, surveyor, accountant, or other recognized profession.
      4.   Any other use similar to the uses listed above and determined by the zoning administrator to be incidental to or compatible with residential activities.
      5.   Home occupations shall require approval as a conditional use (as recommended after hearing and approval as provided in this code) if the proposed home occupation use would otherwise require a conditional use permit if it were a principal use.
   C.   Prohibited Home Occupations: The following are prohibited home occupations:
      1.   Automobile, truck, bus or recreational vehicle repair garage.
      2.   Any use involving the keeping of farm animals unless the property meets the minimum acreage requirements. The keeping of exotic animals is prohibited as a home occupation.
      3.   The sale of alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, firearms or other weapons.
      4.   Contractors including excavating, landscaping and other tradesmen who store business vehicles, equipment and materials, except as permitted by subsection D3d of this section.
      5.   Use of a residential property as a "transfer station" in conjunction with off site business operations.
      6.   Hospitals or medical centers.
      7.   Restaurants.
      8.   Any use that is not customarily incidental to the residential use, as determined by the zoning administrator.
   D.   Regulations:
      1.   Employees: The entrepreneur of every home occupation must reside in the dwelling unit on the lot where the home occupation is conducted. No persons other than members of the immediate family residing in the dwelling unit may be an employee of the home occupation.
      2.   Structural Limitations:
         a.   A home occupation shall not occupy more than twenty five percent (25%) of the total floor area of all principal and accessory structures on a lot.
         b.   No alteration of any kind shall be made to the dwelling unit or accessory structure where a home occupation is conducted that would change its residential character, including the enlargement of public utility services beyond that customarily required for residential use.
         c.   No separate entrance shall be provided in connection with the conduct of any home occupation, except as required by federal, state, or local law or regulation.
      3.   Operational Limitations:
         a.   The home occupation shall be conducted entirely within the dwelling unit or accessory structure, except for outdoor play areas for legally established home daycares.
         b.   No mechanical, electrical, or other equipment that produces noise, electrical or magnetic interference, vibration, heat, glare, emissions, odor, or radiation outside the dwelling unit or any permitted accessory structure that is greater or more frequent than that typical of equipment used in connection with residential occupancy shall be used in connection with any home occupation.
         c.   No outdoor storage or display of business equipment, materials, merchandise, inventory, or heavy equipment shall be allowed in connection with any home occupation.
         d.   Not more than one vehicle identified or advertised as a commercial vehicle shall be permitted in connection with any home occupation.
         e.   Parking, receipt, and delivery of goods and equipment shall be in keeping with the residential character of the property.
      4.   Signage And Visibility: No exterior display or signage shall be permitted except as authorized in the respective residential district pursuant to section 10-5-8 of this chapter.
      5.   Traffic Limitations: No home occupation shall generate more vehicular or pedestrian traffic than is typical of dwellings in the area.
      6.   Nuisance Causing Activities: In addition to the foregoing specific limitations, no home occupation shall cause or create any nuisance, or be noxious, offensive, or hazardous.
      7.   Licensing Requirements: Every home occupation shall be subject to any applicable business or other licensing and inspection requirements. (Ord. 2014-924, 5-6-2014)