A. Scenic Corridor Overlay District Regulations:
1. Intent: The scenic corridor overlay district is established to preserve the scenic qualities of the village area in a period of transition from a rural farming community to a low density, nonfarm residential community. The vistas, open fields, wetlands and majestic stands of hardwood forest are primary scenic resources which make Wadsworth a pleasant place to live. These resources form the basis for both planning and zoning for low density, open residential subdivisions. It is the intent of this section to preserve highly visible portions of this scenic resource so that future development and future residents can continue to enjoy the qualities which first attracted nonfarm residents to the village and its environs.
2. Uses Permitted: Those uses permitted in the scenic corridor overlay district shall be those uses as shown in section 10-4-4, table 1-A, "Uses Permitted In Overlay Districts", of this chapter, subject to the regulations established herein. Any existing use is a permitted use in the SCOD provided such use was a legally established use and permitted use in the underlying district on the effective date hereof.
3. Prohibited Construction: Except as noted below all buildings and structures including at grade construction shall be excluded from the scenic corridors.
4. Exceptions: The following uses and accessory uses are permitted in scenic corridors subject to the landscape standards established herein:
a. Buildings and structures including existing accessory structures existing on the effective date hereof.
b. Agricultural uses provided that no barns or other structures shall be constructed within such scenic corridor.
c. Open uses as provided in section 10-4-4, table 1-A, "Uses Permitted In Overlay Districts", of this chapter.
d. Entrances to subdivisions including identification signs subject to the approval of the plan commission and village board of trustees.
e. Temporary real estate sales signs subject to the issuance of a temporary use permit. (Ord. 91-341, 4-2-1991)
f. Within the B (business) district, buildings, structures, driveways, walks, lighting, parking lots, and signage; subject to applicable setbacks, which are permitted within the B (business) district, are permitted within the scenic corridor. (Ord. 2009-794, 11-3-2009)
5. Landscape Standards: All scenic corridor areas shall be landscaped in accordance with the following standards:
a. All landscape improvements shall be undertaken only in accordance with a landscape plan prepared by the owner, submitted to and approved by the plan commission. In addition to the standards below, the plan shall conform to the standards and requirements of Wadsworth landscape ordinance or other suitable standards adopted by the village board.
(1) Landscape improvements shall be designed to blend in with the existing landscape of the site and its immediate environs. Particular attention shall be paid to natural areas and to farms, wetlands and other open areas. Landscape features shall be designed to preserve and enhance such features.
(2) All screening shall be of a "naturalistic" design. (Ord. 91-341, 4-2-1991)
(3) All built features such as signs, entrance details and fencing shall reflect either a rural or farmlike character in keeping with the intent of the scenic corridor. Further, any ground sign as permitted by section 10-5-8 of this title and located within twenty feet (20') of the scenic corridor shall have the area surrounding such sign for a distance of twenty feet (20') in all direction landscaped in a manner which blends in with the landscaping of the adjacent scenic corridor area. The purpose of such landscaping shall be to screen the sign supports and to improve the compatibility of the sign with the scenic corridor by lessening to every degree possible the visual impact of the sign. (Ord. 91-341, 4-2-1991; amd. Ord. 94-406, 9-20-1994)
b. Forested areas shall be protected and preserved. Any trees cut during construction or in the establishment of a permitted use shall be replaced as follows:
(1) Trees greater than ten inch (10") dbh shall be replaced with two (2) trees at least three inch (3") caliper.
(2) Trees from six inch (6") to ten inch (10") dbh shall be replaced with one and one-half (11/2) trees of at least three inch (3") caliper.
(3) Trees smaller than six inch (6") dbh but larger than three inch (3") dbh shall be replaced with one tree of at least three inch (3") caliper.
(4) Replacement trees shall be of the same species as those removed or of another suitable species indigenous to the immediate area. Deciduous trees shall be replaced with deciduous trees and evergreen trees shall be replaced with a suitable species of evergreens. All replacement trees shall be guaranteed for one year.
c. Old fields may be left undisturbed or if disturbance is unavoidable restored to their original (before development) condition.
d. Nurseries, orchards, tree farms, farm fields and pastures may be continued in use for the same or similar farming or horticultural purposes.
e. The yards of existing homes and farmstead lying within scenic corridors may be continued as yards and appropriately landscaped provided that incompatible uses or landscape features are not introduced into the scenic corridor area.
6. Alternative Design: The plan commission and village board may approve an alternative design for the size, location and landscaping of a scenic corridor as follows:
a. As part of a planned unit development provided that:
(1) No existing natural feature is destroyed.
(2) The amount of land area devoted to scenic corridor purposes is not diminished.
b. In a business district, in accordance with standards to the Wadsworth landscape ordinance or other suitable standard adopted by the village board.
B. Historic Overlay District Regulations:
1. Intent: The historic overlay district is created to protect the character and appearance of the older part of the community. New development within the Wadsworth historic overlay district as shown on the overlay district zoning map is required to conform to the appearance, scale and arrangement of buildings presently found in the area. While existing residential uses are permitted, it is expected that new development will be of a more commercial character and that the Wadsworth historic overlay district will become a community center for the larger village community.
2. Uses Permitted: The only uses permitted by right in the historic overlay district are existing uses. In addition, any other use otherwise permitted in the underlying zone and certain commercial uses listed in section 10-4-4, table 1-A, "Uses Permitted In Overlay Districts", of this chapter, are permitted uses requiring site plan review. See subsection 10-5-4A of this title.
3. Existing Structure Regulations: Existing uses may be enlarged, repaired, maintained or converted to a permitted alternative use provided that the character and appearance of the existing structure is maintained.
4. New And Replacement Structure Regulations: The replacement of existing structures and the construction of new structures shall be undertaken only in accordance with a plan, including a site plan as provided in subsection 10-5-4A of this title, submitted to and approved by the village board. In addition to the standards below such plan shall conform to the Wadsworth appearance ordinance and Wadsworth landscape ordinance or other suitable standards adopted by the village board.
a. All structures herein, shall be designed to blend in with existing structures and shall have an appearance which corresponds to existing structures in the historic overlay district or to other structures typifying structures built at that time. Exterior materials used, architectural form (roof pitch, number of stories, fenestration and architectural detailing) and arrangement shall provide the basis for achieving a suitable correspondence.
b. The scale of structures shall also conform to the existing historic overlay district. No structure which replaces an existing structure shall have a floor area exceeding that of the original structure by a factor of more than two (2). No new structure shall exceed the size of the largest structure in the historic overlay district by a factor of more than half (1.5).
5. Lot, Yard And Bulk Regulations: The following standards shall apply to existing lots and parcels in the Wadsworth historic overlay district.
a. No lot shall be regarded as a nonconforming lot and no use shall be regarded as a nonconforming use in the historic overlay district solely because of lot size regulations provided that additional lot area or other adjoining area may be required to correct deficiencies in septic systems or to provide additional parking in conjunction with the change of an existing use to new use.
b. Front yard setback lines shall be either the front setback line of the existing building or the setback line of the adjoining building with the least setback. In no case shall a new building be permitted to set back farther than the buildings on either side of the lot on which it is located.
c. All lots shall conform to the existing side and rear lot setback requirements of the district in which they are located.
d. All lots shall conform to the height regulations of the district in which they are located.
e. Within the historic overlay district the floor area ratio or lot coverage regulations shall not be applicable.
f. Within the historic overlay district the site capacity regulations shall not be applicable.
g. The applicable requirements of the Lake County health department and Lake County department of transportation shall apply. (Ord. 341, 4-2-1991)
6. Historic Overlay District Boundaries: The boundaries of the historic overlay district shall be as set forth on the historic overlay district map dated March 1, 1993, section 10-4-4, exhibit A, of this chapter, and such subsequent amendments as the village board may from time to time approve. (Ord. 405, 9-20-1994)
C. Reserved. (Ord. 2009-802, 12-15-2009)
D. Wastewater Management Overlay District Regulations:
1. Intent: The wastewater management review district is established to promote office, research corporate park and related commercial uses through the private development of a unified wastewater treatment system in the area adjoining the Illinois Tollway in the vicinity of Route 173. Based on the establishment of such facilities the district regulations provide for more intensive use of land. It is not the intent of this overlay district to establish residential neighborhood of greater density or intensity of use than would otherwise be permitted by the underlying district regulations.
2. Uses Permitted: The uses permitted in the wastewater management overlay district are those uses as shown in section 10-4-4, table 1-A, "Uses Permitted In Overlay Districts", of this chapter, subject to the following regulations.
3. Lot, Yard And Bulk Regulations:
a. For uses served by conventional septic disposal systems the lot, yard and bulk regulations shall be the same as shown for the district in which the use is located as shown in section 10-4-4, table 2, "Lot Size, Yard And Bulk Regulations", of this chapter.
b. For uses served by an approved alternative wastewater treatment system the lot, yard and bulk regulations shown in section 10-4-4, table 2-A, "Lot Size, Yard And Bulk Regulations In The Wastewater Management Overlay District", of this chapter shall apply.
4. Alternative Wastewater Treatment Systems: Alternative technologies including, but not limited to, spray irrigation systems, mechanical systems, zero discharge systems or combinations of such systems may be approved. Such system shall first be approved by the appropriate agency of the state of Illinois, the Lake County health department or the Lake County public works department in conformance with jurisdiction of each.
5. Design Requirement: In addition to meeting the technical requirements of the reviewing agencies above, alternative systems in the wastewater management overlay district shall meet the following requirements:
a. Individual systems serving single uses shall be capable of being integrated into a districtwide system or shall be capable of expansion to serve the needs of the district or a larger service area within the district.
b. The design of the system shall include plans or programs for operation and management of the facility consistent with the overall objective of establishing a unified system.
c. Alternative wastewater treatment systems designed to serve more than a single user shall only be approved in conjunction with a potable water system designed to serve the same area.
d. In addition to the approvals required above, an alternative system shall also be approved by the village engineer.
6. Service Area: The village, at its discretion, may require the establishment of a separate utility service area to provide for the establishment, operation and maintenance of water and wastewater treatment facilities within the wastewater management overlay district.
E. Interpretation Of Table: The uses permitted in the overlay district portion of zones are shown in section 10-4-4, table 1-A, "Uses Permitted In Overlay Districts", of this chapter, as follows:
1. The uses permitted in the overlay district portion of an underlying zone shall be as shown in section 10-4-4, table 1-A, "Uses Permitted In Overlay Districts", of this chapter, under the heading of the overlay district. Other uses as shown in section 10-4-4, table 1 of this chapter are excluded from the overlay district portion of the underlying zone.