No person not exempted by State law shall commence any development in the special flood hazard area as identified in Section 9-1-3 of this Chapter, without first obtaining a development permit from the Zoning Administrator. A development permit shall be required in addition to any other permit required by other provisions of this Code. No permit shall be issued by the Zoning Administrator unless the requirements of this Title are met.
   A.   Application: Applications for a development permit shall be made on the form provided by the Village. The application shall be accompanied by drawings of the site, drawn to scale, showing property line dimensions, and in those parts of the site that are below base flood elevation shall show:
      1.   Existing grade elevations and all changes in grade resulting from excavation or filling;
      2.   The direction of flow of surface drainage and flood flow;
      3.   The location of all watercourses and drainage facilities;
      4.   The location and dimensions of all buildings and additions to buildings;
      5.   The elevation of the lowest floor (including basement) of all buildings subject to the requirements of this Title; and
      6.   The location of any material storage facility.
   B.   Topographic Information: All topographic information shall be prepared with a maximum contour interval of one foot (1') and is preferred on a one to fifty (1:50) scale. This survey of topographic information shall be prepared under supervision of and certified by a State licensed engineer or surveyor.
   C.   Additional Permits Required: The applicant for a development permit shall be informed by the Zoning Administrator of any and all other local, State and Federal permits that may be required before the applicant can obtain a development permit.
   D.   Exception: If, upon examination of an application for a development permit, it is determined by the Zoning Administrator that the elevation of the site is higher than the flood protection elevation, the development site is not subject to the provisions of this Title, except as noted in the definition of the Flood Plain, Regulatory. However, the bottom of any opening in the outer wall, such as door sills, top of foundation, window well or any other openings in the outer walls of a building or structure shall be at an elevation of not less than the flood protection elevation unless such opening is surrounded by a watertight area way, the top of which is at an elevation not less than flood protection elevation. Requirements for flood insurance will still apply unless the owner makes an appeal, as provided for in the Nation Flood Insurance Program.
   E.   Official Elevations: Official elevations are the system of official bench marks and elevations already established in the area by the U.S. Cost and Geodetic Survey (first order level network) or the U.S. Geological Survey shall hereafter be taken by engineers, surveyors, architects and contractors when making topographical surveys and maps and when setting grades and elevations of buildings, pavements, drainage facilities and other structures or works publicly constructed or regulated by the Village.
   F.   Additional Information: Such other information as may be required by the Zoning Administrator to ensure compliance with the provisions of this Title relating to flood plain regulations. (Ord. 257, 7-11-1988)