All development proposals in the special flood hazard areas shall be reviewed by the Zoning Administrator. The Zoning Administrator's review is to ensure that the use and development of and within a regulatory flood plain, comprising both the regulatory floodway and the regulatory flood fringe, shall be allowed in any zoning district subject to compliance with the following, as well as with the other provisions of this Title and other applicable provisions of this Code.
A. Regulatory Floodway: Nothing shall be constructed in a regulatory floodway which results in increased flood heights or velocities, or causes pollution, erosion, sedimentation, fire hazards, other hazards or nuisances. Development or use of these low-lying lands is severely limited by these regulations and is first subject to approval by the State of Illinois Department of Transportation, Division of Water Resources, and the Village Zoning Administrator. In no instance, however, shall development approval negate the petitioner's responsibility to prevent the impediment of flood water.
B. Regulatory Flood Fringe: The development or use of a flood fringe may be allowed if in accordance with the provisions of these flood plain regulations and other applicable codes and regulations. However, in no instance shall a use be allowed which results in water pollution, increased threats of fire or other nuisances, or threats to the public safety. Those structures, or portions of structures, allowed in the flood fringe shall be required to be floodproofed to a height of at least two feet (2') above the regulatory flood base elevation, as it may be established, so as to prevent against the seepage of water into said structures in the event of periodic flooding. Development or use of the flood fringe must be authorized by both the State and the Village Zoning Administrator. In some circumstances, other methods of flood plain development which cause no significant increase in stage or velocity may be allowed if supported by adequate engineering data as determined by the Zoning Administrator. (Ord. 257, 7-11-1988)