A.   Permit Required: No person shall hereafter construct, build, establish, maintain or repair any culvert, ditch, swale or drainageway or change or cause to be changed the existing elevation of real estate in the village which shall interfere with, obstruct or tend to obstruct any street, right of way, sidewalk, alley, ditch, culvert or drainageway on public or private property without first obtaining a construction permit from the village authorizing the work. Applications shall be submitted on forms supplied by the building department of the village.
   B.   Applications: Applications for work/building permits on initial installation of culverts and/or changes of existing elevations of real estate in the village which shall interfere with, change the volume, rate of flow or location of stormwater runoff, obstruct or tend to obstruct any street, right of way, sidewalk, alley, ditch, culvert or driveway shall be made in writing upon forms supplied by the building department of the village. Said application shall contain the name and address of the contractor or person who is to construct said driveway, culvert, ditch or swale and accompanying the application there shall be a site development plan or construction plan drawn or approved by a professional engineer, architect or land surveyor licensed by the state showing:
      1.   Location of all existing and proposed buildings or structures on the property.
      2.   Location of all existing and proposed streets, roadways, driveways, easements and rights of way.
      3.   Location of all existing and proposed utilities such as sanitary sewers, water mains and gas, telephone and electric lines.
      4.   Location of all existing and proposed drainage including sump pump discharge to ditch or swale and gutter discharge to swale or ditch line from and across the site location of intermittent and permanent springs, if any, and culverts and other drainage structures.
      5.   Enough information on those areas abutting or adjacent to the site to show existing drainage patterns and the drainage course that may affect or be affected by the proposed construction or development.
      6.   Name and address of the party preparing the plan along with certification and seal attesting to its accuracy. (Ord. 88-240, 2-8-1988)
   C.   Repair Or Replacement: Application for work/building permits for repair or replacement of existing culverts shall be made in writing upon forms furnished by the village. The application shall be accompanied by a drawing suitable for review by the village. In the event repair or replacement is not completed in compliance with the permit issued, the village may proceed to complete the repair or replacement. The cost incurred by the village shall be assessed to the owner and the village shall have the right to file a lien against the owner's property for the cost thereof. At a minimum, existing culverts that are replaced shall be replaced in kind; the downsizing of an existing culvert that is replaced is not permitted.
   D.   Fee: Before any work is started, the constructor or permittee shall be required to pay the village a permit and inspection fee of one hundred dollars ($100.00) for culverts that are replaced; provided, however, no permit fee is required for repairing a culvert under an existing driveway. (Ord. 2009-801, 12-15-2009)