A.   Inspections Required: The village charges a fee for building permits for all construction activities in the village. During the course of the project, the improvements must be periodically inspected to ensure conformity with the applicable adopted ordinances and codes of the village. As such, the individual(s) performing the inspections on behalf of the village must be compensated for the inspections. Therefore, the village building official shall also charge forty dollars ($40.00) per inspector per inspection for the permitted project (in addition to the permit fee for the project), pursuant to an inspection schedule that is established and as may be amended from time to time for the different types of projects that may be permitted by the village.
   B.   Reinspection: Whenever construction has to be reinspected due to faulty or incomplete construction or any other reason attributable to the building permit applicant, the building permit applicant shall be charged a reinspection fee in the amount of forty dollars ($40.00) per inspector per inspection or such other amount as established from time to time by the village.
   C.   Miscellaneous Inspections: Miscellaneous inspections shall be charged at a rate of forty dollars ($40.00) per inspector per inspection. This fee shall be paid before any inspection can be made.
   D.   Outside Consultant: If it is necessary for the village to utilize an outside consultant to perform a necessary inspection, the permittee shall be responsible for payment of said fee prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy.
   E.   Construction Before Application For Permit: Any construction work started without first applying for a permit shall be subject to a permit fee double the amount of the usual fee to cover extra plan reviews and inspections.
   F.   Extra Costs: Following the payment of any applicable permit, plan review or inspection fees, if the cost to provide services to the applicant exceeds the amount of paid fees for the given project, applicant shall pay any and all incremental costs incurred by the village.
   G.   Escrow Deposit: For all projects permitted by the village, the village may require, depending upon the nature of the job, an escrow deposit of at least five hundred dollars ($500.00) to pay for any costs incurred by the village, outside of inspection and plan review fees, from the entity providing plan review, inspection, permit and code consultation to the village for the permitted project. The permittee shall replenish said escrow account from time to time should the initial deposit or subsequent deposit monies become depleted during the course of the permitted project. Should monies remain within the escrow fund following completion of the permitted project, said monies shall be refunded to the permittee. (Ord. 2016-985, 5-3-2016)