Unless or until workers will be accommodated by existing toilet facilities on a construction site, a portable toilet shall be provided upon commencement of construction activities and maintained until the completion of the construction activities. The location of the portable toilet shall be set back a minimum of ten feet (10') from all property lines. All portable toilets shall be emptied, cleaned, and restocked as needed in compliance with all local, State and Federal laws and regulations. For the purpose of this section, the term "construction activities" shall include all new residential construction, all new nonresidential construction and construction that takes place in conjunction with the establishment of new residential subdivisions and planned unit developments (applicable only when workers do not have access to toilet facilities within the subdivision's/PUD's boundaries). In the event that a toilet facility is not provided or accessible to workers in the case of residential and nonresidential building additions, then in the opinion of the Code official, a portable toilet facility must be provided on the construction site. (Ord. 2007-737, 8-21-2007, eff. 10-1-2007)