It shall be unlawful for any person to commit the offense of retail theft when that person knowingly:
   A.   Takes possession of, carries away, transfers, or causes to be carried away or transferred, any merchandise displayed, held, stored, or offered for sale in a retail mercantile establishment with the intention of retaining such merchandise or with the intention of depriving the merchant permanently of the possession, use, or benefit of such merchandise without paying the full retail value of such merchandise; or
   B.   Alters, transfers, or removes any label, price tag, marking, indication of value, or any other marking which aid in determining value affixed to any merchandise displayed, held, stored, or offered for sale in a retail mercantile establishment and attempts to purchase such merchandise personally or in consort with another at less than the full retail value with the intention of depriving the merchant of the full retail value of such merchandise; or
   C.   Transfers any merchandise displayed, held, stored, or offered for sale in a retail mercantile establishment from the container in or on which such merchandise is displayed to any other container with the intention of depriving the merchant of the full retail value of such merchandise; or
   D.   Under rings with the intention of depriving the merchant of the full retail value of the merchandise; or
   E.   Removes a shopping cart from the premises of a retail mercantile establishment without the consent of the merchant given at the time of such removal with the intention of depriving the merchant permanently of the possession, use, or benefit of such cart.
   F.   If any person conceals upon their person or among their or her belongings, unpurchased merchandise displayed, held, stored, or offered for sale in a retail mercantile establishment; and removes that merchandise beyond the last known station for receiving payments for the merchandise in that retail mercantile establishment, then that person shall be presumed to have possessed, carried away, or transferred such merchandise with the intention of retaining it or with the intention of depriving the merchant permanently of the possession, use, or benefit of such merchandise without paying the full retail value of such merchandise.
   G.   Any merchant who has reasonable grounds to believe that a person has committed retail theft may detain such person, on or off the premises of a retail mercantile establishment, in a reasonable manner and for a reasonable length of time for all or any of the following reasons:
      1.   To request identification;
      2.   To verify such identification;
      3.   To make reasonable inquiry as to whether such person has in his possession unpurchased merchandised and to make reasonable investigation of the ownership of such merchandise;
      4.   To inform a police officer of the detention of the person and surrender that person to the custody of a police officer.
      5.   In the case of a minor, to inform a police officer, the parents, guardian, or other private person interested in the welfare of that minor of this detention and to surrender custody of such minor to such person.
      6.   A merchant may make a detention as permitted herein off the premises of a retail mercantile establishment only if such detention is pursuant to an immediate pursuit of such person.
      7.   Detention as permitted in this section does not constitute an arrest or an unlawful restraint, nor shall it render the merchant liable to the person so detained. (Ord. 2004-653, 3-2-2004)