(A)   Purpose. The R-2 District is intended for apartments, row houses, townhouses, dormitories, and other buildings of three or more dwelling units in those areas where such development fits the land use plan, where properly related to other land uses and thoroughfares, and where adequate municipal utilities are available. A secondary characteristic of this District is to provide areas suitable for administrative buildings and related office uses where there is limited contact with the public, no manufacture or exterior display, and where merchandising is limited to essential land convenience types of goods serving neighborhood needs.
   (B)   Permitted uses. Within an R-2 District, unless otherwise provided by this chapter, no building or land shall be used except for the following:
      (1)   Any use permitted in § 152.26(B), as regulated therein;
      (2)   Multiple dwellings, apartment buildings, townhouses, and group or row houses;
      (3)   Boarding or lodging houses;
      (4)   Hospitals, convalescent and nursing homes, elderly housing projects;
      (5)   Institutions of a religious, educational, charitable, or philanthropic nature;
      (6)   Private clubs or lodges, except those whose chief activity is a service customarily carried on as a business for profit;
      (7)   Accessory storage garages or other accessory uses or buildings, customarily incident to the uses permitted in this section;
      (8)   Signs as regulated in § 152.55; and
      (9)   Off-street parking and loading as regulated by § 152.56.
   (C)   Uses by conditional use permit. Within an R-2 District, buildings or land may be used for one or more of the following uses if granted a conditional use permit as provided in § 152.07:
      (1)   Any use permitted in § 152.26(C), R-1 Residence District;
      (2)   Mobile home park developments only, subject to the special conditions and requirements set forth in § 152.57, minimum mobile home park requirements”;
      (3)   Medical and dental offices and clinics;
      (4)   Offices for administrative, executive, professional, research, or similar organization and laboratories having only limited contact with the general public; provided, that no merchandise or merchandising services are sold on the premises, except such as are incidental or accessory to the permissible use;
      (5)   Neighborhood grocery delicatessen, bakery, or drug store; provided, that floor space for the principal use shall be limited to 1,400 square feet, and that no more than four employees shall be required to operate the use at any given time;
      (6)   Laundry and dry cleaning collection and clothes storage centers, tailor shops, hobby shops, small home appliance repair and hardware stores, and specialty shops; provided, that floor space for the principal use shall be limited to 2,400 square feet and that no more than four employees shall be required to operate the use at any given time; and
      (7)   Barber shops and beauty salons.
   (D)   Height, yard, and lot coverage regulations.
      (1)   Height regulations. Structures shall not exceed two and one-half stories or 35 feet in height, whichever is less, except that church spires, belfries, domes which do not contain usable space, water towers, chimneys or smokestacks, cooling towers, and similar structures not designed for human occupancy, may be erected with no height limitations except airport requirements.
      (2)   Front yard regulations.
         (a)   There shall be a front yard having a depth of not less than 25 feet, except that for any building exceeding three stories in height, there shall be an additional front yard setback of one foot for every one foot that the building exceeds the height of 30 feet.
         (b)   There shall be a front yard on each street side of a corner lot.
         (c)   On double-frontage lots the required front yard shall be provided on both streets.
      (3)   Side yard regulations.
         (a)   For one- and two-family dwellings and their accessory buildings the side yard regulations of § 152.26(D)(3) applies.
         (b)   For other buildings not exceeding two stories in height, there shall be two side yards, each such yard having a width of not less than ten feet.
         (c)    For buildings exceeding two stories in height, there shall be two side yards, each yard having a width of 15 feet, plus one foot for each one foot of building height over 30 feet.
      (4)   Rear yard regulations. There shall be a rear yard as required in § 152.26(D)(4), yard regulations”.
      (5)   General yard regulations. General yard regulations shall be as set down in § 152.49, “yard regulations”.
      (6)   Lot size regulations.
         (a)   The minimum total lot area for a multiple-dwelling structure shall not be less than 11,000 square feet, plus 2,000 square feet for each unit in excess of two.
         (b)   A lot for a multiple-dwelling structure shall have a width of not less than 85 feet and a depth of not less than 125 feet.
         (c)   Not more than 35%of a lot or plot shall be occupied by buildings.
   (E)   General regulations. Additional regulations applicable to the R-2 District are set forth in §§ 152.45 through 152.58.
(2006 Code, § 11.05) Penalty, see § 152.99