§ 118.04 CONDITIONS.
   The following conditions are included and apply to any kennel permit.
   (A)   The premises and its pens, runways, and all sanitary conditions;
   (B)   Adequate light and ventilation must be provided to the animals;
   (C)   Fecal materials must be disposed of in an approved sanitary manner;
   (D)   The premises must be kept vermin free;
   (E)   No public or private nuisance may be created;
   (F)   The premises must be open for inspection by city authorities upon reasonable notice;
   (G)   Outside runways must be completely enclosed by a visual screening fence at least five feet in height; and
   (H)   The licensee shall comply with the requirements of § 130.05.
(Ord. 199, 3rd Series, passed 4-14-2015)