(A) Items to be prepared by the City Administrator. Items to be prepared by the City Administrator are as follows:
(1) An agenda for the forthcoming meeting;
(2) A report from the City Administrator on administrative activities of the preceding month and the condition of funds at the end of the preceding month;
(3) A compiled list of all claimants who have filed verified accounts claiming payment for goods or services rendered the city during the preceding month, such list to be called the “claim report” and bearing headings “claimant”, “purpose”, and “amount”;
(4) A copy of all minutes to be considered. The City Administrator shall forthwith cause to be mailed to the Mayor, each member of the Council, and the City Attorney copies of all said documents; and
(5) (a) Robert’s Rules of Order (Newly Revised) shall govern all Council meetings as to procedural matters not otherwise set forth in this code of ordinances or duly adopted rules of procedure.
(b) The order of business at regular meetings shall be as follows:
1. Call to order;
2. Roll call;
3. Determination of quorum;
4. Approval of minutes (actual reading may be waived if each member of the Council was furnished with a copy thereof as hereinbefore set forth);
5. Payment of claims;
6. Meeting opened in the order stated in the agenda to persons requesting to appear before the Council. The presiding officer may advise any person appearing as to the amount of time allowed prior to his or her speaking, or later limit such time. Persons speaking shall give their name, address, and state their business;
7. Old business;
8. New business;
9. Communications;
10. Reports of staff members;
11. Reports from boards and commissions;
12. Reports of Council members;
13. Report from Mayor;
14. Meeting opened to the public. The presiding officer shall limit the time allowed. Persons speaking shall give their name, address, and state their business; and
15. Adjournment.
(B) Matters inappropriate for consideration at a meeting. Matters inappropriate for consideration at the meeting, or not in the order specified, shall not be considered, except:
(1) With the consent of the members of the Council; or
(2) Scheduled public hearings or bid lettings at the time stated in the notice. All claims for payment and requests to appear before the Council must be made and filed with the City Administrator at or before 12:00 p.m. on the Monday preceding a regular Wednesday meeting of the Council, at which the appearance is to be made or the claim to be considered.
(2006 Code, § 2.05)