(A) Approval and authorization. No city official, board, council, or other city entity may grant a license, permit, or other form of city approval or authorization to any person/entity unless:
(1) The person/entity has complied with all relevant statutory and requirements of this code of ordinances;
(2) The person/entity has paid all fees, charges, taxes, special assessments, or other debt or obligation owed by the person to the city regarding any other matter; and
(3) The person/entity is in compliance with all ordinance requirements and previously-imposed conditions of approval regarding any other city approval or authorization that was granted to the person.
(B) Inapplicability of section.
(1) If the person/entity has provided sufficient safeguards to assure payment of debts or compliance with city requirements within a reasonable time after the city approval or authorization; or
(2) If enforcement of this section would result in a significant hardship to the person/entity through no fault of his or her own or would result in an otherwise unfair situation.
(2006 Code, § 6.13) (Ord. 167, 3rd Series, passed 2-14-2006)
Every person violates a section, division, paragraph, or provision of Chs. 110 through 120 when he or she performs an act thereby prohibited or declared unlawful, or fails to act when such failure is thereby prohibited or declared unlawful, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished as for a misdemeanor except as otherwise stated in specific provisions hereof.
(2006 Code, § 6.99)