(A)   City Forester. The Park Superintendent or such other employee so designated by the City Clerk shall act as the City Forester.
   (B)   Authority of City Forester. The City Forester shall have jurisdiction and supervision over all trees, shrubs and plants located within street rights-of-way, parks and public places of the city and to trees, plants and shrubs located on private property that constitute a hazard or threat.
   (C)   Duties of Forester. The City Forester may cause the planting of trees on public grounds and may direct the trimming, removal, treatment or other care of any tree, shrub or plant on private property in order to preserve or restore its condition or to protect the public from damage or injury. The cost of any such work may be assessed against the property on which the tree is located.
   (D)   Tree Planting Plan. In addition to the other responsibilities under this chapter, the City Forester shall prepare a Comprehensive Tree Plan regarding the planting of trees on public property within the city and the planting of trees on private property that may present a health or safety hazard. When approved by resolution of the City Council following a review by the city’s Tree Board, the Comprehensive Tree Plan and any modifications will be the official plan of the city. After the adoption of the official plan, no tree planting permit will be issued which does not conform to the Comprehensive Tree Plan.
   (E)   Comprehensive Tree Plan contents. The Comprehensive Tree Plan shall address the following matters together with any other matters deemed appropriate by the City Forester:
      (1)   List of acceptable varieties: the list may provide for the planting of certain varieties or mixes of varieties in certain locations;
      (2)   Specifically prohibited plantings;
      (3)   Minimum size;
      (4)   Grade;
      (5)   Method of planting and support;
      (6)   Maintenance; and
      (7)   Recommended trimming and pruning techniques.
(Prior Code, § 1220.05) (Ord. passed 3-1-2011)