(A)   The Advisory Board shall act in an advisory capacity to the governing body in accordance with the requirements of this chapter and applicable law. The Advisory Board shall have only the authority delegated to it in this chapter in accordance with applicable law.
   (B)   The duties and authority of the Advisory Board shall include the following:
      (1)   To meet regularly to conduct the business of the Advisory Board as set forth in this chapter;
      (2)   To establish, on an annual basis or such other interval requested by the governing body, the goals of the BID and policies for the achievement of those goals, and to evaluate the performance of and effectiveness of the Advisory Board in achieving those goals;
      (3)   To prepare an annual budget for the BID no later than the Advisory Board’s November meeting so as to ensure the budget will be reviewed and approved by the full membership of the Board in time to present it to the governing body by such date in December as the Township Clerk shall require;
      (4)   To establish all necessary procedures to properly discharge the responsibility of sound financial management of the BID, including the regular development and review of updated financial statements at all regular meetings of the Board;
      (5)   To cause a financial audit to be conducted annually by an independent accountant to be reviewed by the Board and submitted to the governing body within four months of the close of the fiscal year;
      (6)   To seek bids for the products and services of professionals, such as marketing agencies, designers, planners and/or engineers, as it deems appropriate to fulfill its mission and to submit written recommendations to the governing body for authorization and/or award of such bids prior to the purchase of products or services and/or prior to payment of compensation for same;
      (7)   To initiate and facilitate communications with the Voorhees Township Planning Board, Voorhees Township Zoning Board of Adjustment and such other township agencies and/or offices to better inform all decisions affecting the business communities within the BID;
      (8)   To furnish recommendations and advice to the governing body with respect to the development of a vision plan and/or overlay plan to guide the development and/or improvement of properties within the BID, including investigation of issues involving land use, zoning and development of properties within the BID and preparation of reports and/or other written recommendations thereon;
      (9)   To receive comments and requests from owners or occupants of properties within the BID and from members of the public regarding activity, improvement and/or events within the BID;
      (10)   To advocate for economic development activities that incorporate sustainable development and smart growth principles;
      (11)   To nominate prospective new members of the Board for consideration by the Mayor;
      (12)   To establish such committees as the Advisory Board deems necessary for the thorough and efficient operation of the Board, including but not limited to a nominating committee in furtherance of its authority to nominate prospective new members of the Board as set forth above;
      (13)   To engage in such other activities as are customary for similarly-situated boards with authority to oversee special improvement districts, subject to the review and approval of the Township Engineer and/or governing body, as the case may be, with respect to such activities as: litter clean-up and control; providing recreational and rest areas and facilities; publicizing and marketing the BID and the businesses therein; recruiting new businesses to fill vacant commercial spaces within the BID towards the goal of balancing the mix of business types and/or uses therein; organizing special events; and providing temporary decorative lighting and/or greenery on properties within the BID;
      (14)   To hire or retain a managing director, subject to the review and approval of same by the governing body, to assist the Advisory Board in the completion of its duties as set forth herein; and
      (15)   To hire or retain professionals or non-professionals, subject to the review and approval of same by the governing body, to carry out services deemed to benefit the businesses, employees, residents and consumers in the BID.
(Ord. 325-18, passed 5-29-18)