§ 152.094 DENSITY.
   (A)   The maximum residential density for all residential development in the GB2 - General Business 2 Zone shall not exceed eight dwelling units per acre of the total GB2 - General Business 2 Zone; provided, however, that the maximum residential density for single family detached dwelling units shall not exceed 1.5 units per acre of land included in the single family detached residential section of the GB2 - General Business 2 Zone. Despite the foregoing, if any property, on which a residential dwelling exists as of April 12, 1999, otherwise conforms to the area and bulk standards of Section B1 or C3, as applicable, above, such property will not be deemed non-conforming as to density.
   (B)   The maximum permitted density for nursing homes, convalescent facilities, assisted living facilities and other similar uses for senior citizens shall be 25 units per acre.
(Ord. 945-99, passed 9-13-99)