The following regulations shall apply in all O3 - Office 3 Zones unless, after due consideration of plans, testimony and other submissions, the reviewing board waives strict compliance with this section in order to promote the purposes of this chapter:
   (A)   Façades. The façade of any building attached to another building or construction of the same frontage as another building shall be visibly offset from the attached building at an approximate 90 degree angle.
   (B)   Open Space. All open space shall be landscaped and maintained in a careful and prudent manner. All landscaping material which has died or is in the process of dying shall be replaced within the next spring or fall planting season.
   (C)   Mechanical equipment screening. All mechanical equipment, whether placed on the ground, roof or other location, shall be screened from ground-level view with an acceptable material compatible with the architectural scheme of the development.
   (D)   Utilities. All utilities servicing the development shall be located underground.
   (E)   Outdoor display. No products, materials or goods shall be stored or displayed outside of the confines of the building or structure on the premises.
   (F)   Recreational requirements. In all developments in the O3 - Office 3 Zone of 20 acres or larger, recreational facilities shall be provided for the use and enjoyment of office employees, including but not limited to outdoor seating and eating areas, jogging and walking paths and fitness stations. Cross easements shall be provided for adjacent lots in order to create an integrated recreational area in any one district.
(Ord. 945-99, passed 9-13-99)