(A) Minimum lot size: 10 acres.
(B) Minimum lot frontage: 400 feet.
(C) Setbacks.
(1) Minimum front yard setback:
(a) 100 feet from any state right-of-way;
(b) 75 feet from any county right-of-way;
(c) 50 feet from any municipal right-of-way.
(2) Minimum rear yard setback: 50 feet.
(3) Minimum side yard setback: 50 feet.
(D) Maximum height limitation: 35 feet.
(E) Minimum backyard area: 50 feet.
(F) Maximum impervious coverage: 60%.
(G) Maximum clearing unit: No more than 70% of the lot area shall be cleared of vegetation for the purpose of construction; provided, however, if the existing cleared area exceeds 70% of the lot area or the existing vegetation is immature and may be re-established in a relatively short period of time, compliance with this section may be waived by the reviewing board to promote the purpose of this chapter.
(H) Minimum parking setbacks:
(1) 35 feet from any state or county right-of-way.
(2) 20 feet from any other right-of-way or interior drive and from any other property line.
(I) Minimum distance between buildings:
(1) 50 feet from the front or back of any structure to any other structure.
(2) 30 feet from the side of any structure to any other structure.
(J) All development in any designated R-10 - Residence 10 Zone shall provide adequate active and passive recreation designed for the primary use of the development's residents in accordance with the following regulations:
(1) Active recreation, playground. A minimum area of 1,500 square feet, plus 10 square feet for each dwelling unit, shall be provided and so designed to provide an active recreational facility for the primary use of persons aged 10 years or younger and shall include, at a minimum, swings, a climber, a seating area for adult supervision and other similar equipment. The area shall be fenced with a material compatible with the overall architectural scheme of the development. The recreational area shall be centrally located so as to provide equivalent access to all dwellings units.
(2) Active recreation adult. A minimum area of 1,500 square feet shall be provided up to the first 10 units and 150 square feet per unit for developments of 11 dwelling units or greater. A jogging and walking path, a minimum width of five feet, shall be provided around the perimeter of the site and shall be connected to the pedestrian circulation system. Developments in excess of 100 dwelling units shall provide, at a minimum, a swimming pool, tennis court or similar recreational facility which shall be centrally located to provide nearly equal access from the furthest dwelling units.
(Ord. 945-99, passed 9-13-99)