(A)   Each Township official and Township employee shall file a statement on or before January 31 of each year that he/she holds such a position, affirming that he/she has read the Code of Ethics and that he/she is in full compliance with all the applicable provisions thereof.
   (B)   The following Township officials or township employees shall file a statement of financial interests on or before January 31 of each year, covering the prior calendar year, pursuant to division (C) below:
      (1)   Members of the Township Committee.
      (2)   Township Administrator.
      (3)   Township Solicitor.
      (4)   Planning Board Solicitor.
      (5)   Zoning Board Solicitor.
      (6)   Municipal Court Prosecutor.
      (7)   Municipal Public Defender.
      (8)   Township Engineer.
      (9)   Planning Board Engineer.
      (10)    Zoning Board Engineer.
      (11)   Superintendent of Public Works.
      (12)    Construction Official.
      (13)    Subcode Officials.
      (14)    Code Enforcement Officer.
      (15)    Director of C.E.R.
      (16)    Tax Assessor.
      (17)    Tax Collector.
      (18)    Controller.
      (19)    Purchasing Agent
      (20)    Chief Financial Officer.
      (21)    Township Planner.
      (22)    Township Clerk.
      (23)    Chief of Police.
      (24)    Environmental Engineer.
      (25)    Assistant Superintendent of Public Works.
      (26)    Superintendent of Sanitation.
      (27)    Assistant Superintendent of Sanitation.
      (28)    Supervisor of Sewer Department.
      (29)    Supervisor of Parks and Recreation Department.
      (30)    Members of the Planning Board.
      (31)    Members of the Zoning Board.
      (32)    Members of the Environmental Advisory Board.
      (33)    Members of all other advisory boards.
   (C)   Information to be included; filing.
      (1)   Township officials and Township employees covered by division (B) above shall annually file a financial disclosure statement on those form(s) prepared and distributed by the Local Finance Board of the state of New Jersey pursuant to the Local Government Ethics Law, N.J.S.A. 40A:9-22.1 et seq. (the Act). All financial disclosure statements filed pursuant to this chapter and the Act shall include the following information, which shall specify, where applicable, the name and address of each source and the township official's job title:
         (a)   Each source of income, earned or unearned, exceeding $2,000 received by the township official or a member of his/her immediate family during the preceding calendar year. Individual client fees, customer receipts or commissions on transactions received through a business organization need not be separately reported as sources of income. If a publicly traded security is the source of income, the security need not be reported unless the township official or member of his/her immediate family has an interest in the business organization.
         (b)   Each source of fees and honorariums having an aggregate amount exceeding $250 from any single source for personal appearances, speeches or writings received by the township official or a member of his/her immediate family during the preceding calendar year.
         (c)   Each source of gifts, reimbursements or prepaid expenses having an aggregate value exceeding $400 from any single source, excluding relatives, received by the township official or a member of his/her immediate family during the preceding calendar year.
         (d)   The name and address of all business organizations in which the township official or a member of his/her immediate family had an interest during the preceding calendar year.
         (e)   The address and a brief description of all real property in the state in which the township official or a member of his/her immediate family held an interest during the preceding calendar year.
      (2)   The original statement shall be filed with the Township Clerk and a copy of the statement shall be filed with the State Local Finance Board. Township officials shall file the initial financial disclosure statement within 90 days following the effective date of the Act. Thereafter, statements shall be filed on or before April 30 each year. All financial disclosure statements filed shall be public records.
   (D)   Each person covered under the terms of divisions (B) and (C) above, within 30 days of his/her hiring or appointment, shall file the required completed disclosure statements with the Township Clerk.
   (E)   Any Township employee or Township official required by this chapter to file a disclosure statement who fails or refuses to file a completed disclosure statement shall, upon ten days' notice to such Township employee or Township official, be suspended from such office or employment and shall not receive any compensation from public funds and shall not be permitted to perform any official duties until the completed disclosure form(s) is(are) filed.
('74 Code, § 9-5) (Ord. 355-1987, passed 2-23-87; Am. Ord. 578-1991, passed 9-23-91; Am. Ord. 616-1992, passed 8-10-92)