Within thirty (30) days after the expiration of each fiscal year of the city, the board shall make a report of the condition of their trust on the last day of the fiscal year to the city council. This report shall be made in writing and shall be verified under oath by the secretary, or some other responsible officer of the board. The report shall contain: a) an itemized statement of the various sums of money received from the library fund and from other sources; b) an itemized statement of the objects and purposes for which those sums of money have been expended; c) a statement of the number of books and periodicals available for use and the number and character thereof circulated; d) a statement of the real and personal property acquired by legacy, purchase, gift or otherwise; e) a statement of the character of any extensions of library service which have been undertaken; f) a statement of the financial requirements of the library for the ensuing fiscal year for inclusion in the appropriation of the city council, and of the amount of money which, in the judgment of the board, it will be necessary to levy for library purposes in the next annual tax levy ordinance; g) a statement as to the amount of accumulations and the reasons therefor; h) a statement as to any outstanding liabilities including those for bonds still outstanding or amounts due for judgments, settlements, liability insurance, or for amounts due under a certificate of the board; and i) any other statistics, information and suggestions that may be of interest. A report shall also be filed at the same time with the Illinois state library. (1925 Code § 37-8; amd. 2009 Code)