A.   No vehicle shall be parked within twenty five feet (25') of any stop sign or within fifteen feet (15') of the projected property line of any street or alley intersection.
   B.   No vehicle shall be left standing in such a manner as to obstruct any crosswalk or private driveway.
   C.   No vehicle shall be parked within fifteen feet (15') of a fire hydrant.
   D.   No vehicle shall be parked in any street for the purpose of exhibition or sale. (1925 Code § 35-13; amd. 2009 Code)
   E.   On the streets of the city commonly called "alleys", no vehicle shall be parked except for the purpose of actually loading or unloading and, in no case, shall a vehicle be parked so as to obstruct traffic in any alley. (1925 Code § 35-22)
   F.   It shall be unlawful for any person to park or leave unattended any motor vehicle upon any sidewalk within the city. (Ord., 10-4-1982; amd. 2009 Code)
   G.   1. The parking of motor vehicles on any street, alley or highway owned or maintained by the city shall be regulated as follows:
         a.   No motor vehicle shall be allowed to be parked or otherwise left standing, with or without the motor running, so as to block the ingress or egress to any business or residence within the city.
         b.   No person shall be allowed to park or otherwise leave standing any motor vehicle upon any street, alley or highway owned or maintained by the city so as to impede the efficient removal of snow from said street, alley or highway.
      2.   The chief of police of the city may, at his or her discretion, request the removal of any motor vehicle from any street, alley or highway within the city if, in the sole opinion and discretion of said chief of police, said motor vehicle impedes in any way the normal course of traffic upon any street, alley or highway within the city. In such event, the chief of police shall give the owner of said motor vehicle written notice to remove said motor vehicle within twenty four (24) hours, and said owner's failure to remove said vehicle to a position which does not impede traffic as aforesaid shall be punishable by the imposition of a fine as provided in section 1-4-1 of this code.
   H.   The parking of campers and/or recreational vehicles on city streets and rights of way is hereby prohibited.
   I.   No vehicle shall stop, park or stand idle, with or without the motor running, on the boulevard. This prohibition shall not apply to police, fire, ambulance or other emergency vehicles during emergencies or drills therefor. Nor shall the prohibition herein apply to tow trucks removing vehicles in violation of this section of the City Code of Ordinances. (Ord., 4-6-1987; amd. Ord., 2001; 2009 Code; Ord. 22-4, 9-12-2022)