A. Through Streets Authorized; Vehicle Operation: The city council may, by resolution passed at a regular meeting of the council, designate certain streets within the city as through streets for the purpose of regulating the traffic on said streets. Any person driving a vehicle on or along any street designated as a through street shall have the right of way over all persons driving upon and along any intersecting streets, and the city council may, in said resolution, provide that there be placed upon the pavement of intersecting streets or other conspicuous places, signs requiring all vehicles to come to a stop before crossing such through streets.
B. Stops At Through Street Intersections: The following stop signs are hereby erected to regulate the flow of traffic on through streets in the city:
Intersection | Stop Street | Direction Of Traffic | Ordinance Passage Date |
Beardstown Street and Hall Street | Beardstown Street | Eastbound and westbound | 7-1-1985 |
Broadway Street and Stowe Street | Stowe Street | Southbound | 10-2-1989 |
Cass Street | Illinin Street | Eastbound and westbound | 9-12-2019 |
Cass Street and Myrtle Street | Cass Street | Northbound and southbound | 7-6-1982 |
County Shed Road and Gridley Road | County Shed Road | Northbound | 7-12-2004 |
C. Three-Way Stop Intersections: The following intersections are three-way stop intersections in the city, and all traffic approaching said intersections, vehicular or otherwise, shall stop before entering:
South East Street and Broadway Street
Sylvan Street and North Cass Street
(1925 Code § 35-23; amd. Ord., 3-5-1990; Ord. 06-08, 8-14-2006; Ord. 2019-07, 9-12-2019)