It is hereby declared a nuisance for any person who is the owner of any ground or premises within the corporate limits of the city to allow or permit any thistles, burdock, horseweeds or other noxious weeds to grow thereon, and such owner, after receiving notice from the chief of police, public works director or a member of the city council to abate or destroy such nuisance, who shall neglect or refuse so to do shall be charged with the expense incurred in abating the same and, in addition, shall forfeit and pay a fine as provided in section 1-4-1 of this code for each offense; provided, that this section shall apply to agents having control of such grounds and premises when residents of the city and/or the owners are away from the city. (Ord., 9-6-1927; amd. 1981 Code; 2009 Code)