A.   Consumption:
      1.   No person shall drink or consume any alcoholic liquor on any public sidewalk, street, alley, road, park or any other public premises within the city; except, that upon specific application to the city council, drinking alcoholic beverages in public may be permitted. The city council may, before granting permission, require the following:
         a.   Signed consent from the record owner of the premises upon which such alcoholic beverage is to be served;
         b.   Certificate of dramshop insurance; (Ord., 8-4-1975; amd. Ord., 5-3-1982)
         c.   Fencing of not less than six feet (6') in height surrounding the area; and
         d.   Provision of adequate lighting.
      2.   This exception shall not include compliance with all other requirements of this code concerning liquor licensees or traffic regulations. (Ord., 8-4-1975; amd. Ord., 5-3-1982; 2009 Code)
   B.   Possession: No person shall possess or have in his possession or control any alcoholic liquor on any public sidewalk, street, alley, road, park or any other public premises within the city except in the original package and in the same condition as it was when the original package left the manufacturer. (Ord., 8-4-1975)
   C.   Penalty: Whoever violates any of the provisions of this section shall, upon conviction, be subject to a fine as provided in section 1-4-1 of this code. A separate offense shall be deemed committed for each and every violation of this section and may be prosecuted as such. (Ord., 8-4-1975; amd. 2009 Code)