(A) District I. North at corner of 7th Street/Washington Avenue and St. Clair Street to corner of St. Clair Street and Oliphant Drive; East on Oliphant Drive to corner of Oliphant Drive and Portland Avenue; North on Portland Avenue to city boundary; Follow city boundary around Northwest part of city to corner of 6th Street and city boundary; West on 6th Street to corner of 6th Street and Hart Street; South on Hart Street to corner of Hart and 7th Street/Washington Avenue; East on 7th Street/Washington Avenue to corner of 7th Street/Washington Avenue and St. Clair Street.
(B) District II. South at corner of 7th Street and Shelby Street to corner of Shelby and 12th Street; East on 12th Street to corner of 12th Street and Ridgeway Avenue; North on Ridgeway Avenue to corner of Ridgeway Avenue and Washington Avenue; East on Washington Avenue to corner of Washington Avenue and Niblack Boulevard; North on Niblack Boulevard to corner of Niblack Boulevard and Old Bruceville Road; East on Old Bruceville Road to city boundary; Follow city boundary around Northeast part of city to corner city boundary and Portland Avenue; South on Portland to corner of Portland and Oliphant Drive; West on Oliphant Drive to corner of Oliphant Drive and St. Clair Street; South on St. Clair Street to corner of St. Clair Street and Washington Avenue; West on Washington Avenue to corner of 7th and Shelby Street.
(C) District III. East at corner of 15th Street and Willow Street to corner of 15th and Hart Street; North on Hart Street to the corner of Hart and 12th Street; East on 12th Street to corner of 12th Street and Shelby Street; North on Shelby Street to corner of Shelby Street and 7th Street; West on 7th Street to corner of 7th Street and Hart Street; North on Hart Street to corner of Hart and 6th Street; West on 6th Street to corner of 6th and city boundary; Follow city boundary around Western part of city to Old Decker Road/Willow Street; North on Old Decker Road/Willow Street to corner of Willow Street and 15th Street.
(D) District IV. South at corner of 15th Street and Willow Street to city boundary; Follow city boundary around Southwest part of city to US Highway 41; West US 41 to Wabash Avenue; North Wabash Avenue to corner of Wabash Avenue and St. Clair Street; North on St. Clair Street to corner of St. Clair Street and 14th Street; West on 14th Street to corner of 14th Street and Wabash Avenue; North on Wabash Avenue to corner of Wabash Avenue and 12th Street; West on 12th Street to corner of 12th Street and Hart Street; South on Hart Street to corner of Hart Street and 15th Street; West on 15th Street to corner of 15th Street and Hart Street.
(E) District V. South at corner of 12th Street and Wabash Avenue to corner of Wabash and 14th Street; East on 14th Street to corner of 14th Street and St. Clair Street; South on St. Clair St. corner of St. Clair and Wabash Avenue; South on Wabash Avenue to US Highway 41; East on US 41 around Southeast side of City boundary to corner of US 41 and Old Bruceville Road; West on Old Bruceville Road to corner of Old Bruceville Road and Niblack Boulevard; South on Niblack Boulevard to corner of Niblack Boulevard and Washington Avenue; West on Washington Avenue to corner of Washington Avenue and Ridgeway Street; South on Ridgewasy Street to corner of Ridegway Street and 12th Street; West on 12th Street to corner of 12th Street and Wabash Avenue.
('71 Code, § 30.01) (Ord. 61-74, passed 12-30-74; Am. Ord. 33-92, passed 12-21-92; Am. Ord. 28-2002, passed 12-16-02; Am. Ord. 22-2012, passed 11-13-12)