The streets and parts of streets described herein are declared to be through streets of the city:
Ord. No.
Date Passed
Ord. No.
Date Passed
Chestnut Street
From Indianapolis Avenue to Portland Avenue
College Avenue
From west city limits to east city limits
Indianapolis Avenue
From Chestnut Street to Second Street except at First Street
Nicholas Street
From Second Street to Fifteenth Street except at Fourth, Sixth, Tenth and Thirteenth Streets
Oliphant Drive
From Portland Avenue to Chicago Avenue
Portland Avenue
From west city limits to Second Street except at Chestnut Street
St. Clair Street
From Second Street to east city limits
Washington Avenue
From Seventh Street to north city limits
Second Street
From Vigo Street to north city limits
Fourth Street
From Willow Street to Hart Street
Sixth Street
From Willow Street to north city limits
Seventh Street
From Vigo Street to College Avenue
S. Seventh Street
Between Bayou and Willow Streets
Eighth Street
From Busseron Street to College Avenue
Tenth Street
From Hart Street to Willow Street except at Main and Nicholas Streets
Thirteenth Street
From Willow Street to Ritterskamp Avenue except at College Avenue, St. Clair, Main and Hart Streets and Wabash Avenue
Fifteenth Street
From Willow Street to Hart Street, except at Main Street
('71 Code, §§ 79.11, Sch. I; 79.04(D))