For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
BATHHOUSE. Any building, room, place or establishment other than a regularly licensed hospital, dispensary, hotel, rooming house or public lodging house, where members of the public are provided with baths, regardless of whether steam, vapor, water, sauna or otherwise.
BODY PAINTING MODEL. Any person who allows any part of his or her body to be painted with paint, dye, tint, spray or other material while that person is serving as an employee or receiving other compensation by or through any body painting studio as defined in this section.
BODY PAINTING STUDIO. Any shop, establishment, place of business or other operation that employs or otherwise compensates persons for serving as models for the painting of any part of the human body with any paint, dye, tint, spray or other material.
ESCORT. Any person who is employed or otherwise compensated by or through any escort service for serving as an escort, host or hostess.
ESCORT SERVICE. Any shop, establishment, place of business or other operation that employs or
otherwise compensates persons to serve as escorts, hosts or hostesses.
MASSAGE. Any method of treating the superficial soft parts of the body for remedial or hygienic purposes, consisting of rubbing, stroking, kneading or tapping with the hands or instruments.
MASSAGE PARLOR. Any building, room, place or establishment, other than a regularly licensed hospital or dispensary where nonmedical and nonsurgical manipulative exercises are practiced upon the human body with or without the use of mechanical or bath devices, by anyone not a physician, osteopath, chiropractor, podiatrist or physical therapist duly registered with and licensed with the state.
MASSAGE SCHOOL. Any bathhouse or massage parlor, defined in this section, where the act of massage as defined in this section is either taught or practiced.
MASSAGE THERAPIST. Any person who practices, administers or teaches all or any of the subjects or methods of treatment defined in this section as massage therapy.
MASSAGE THERAPY. The act of body massage, either by mechanical or electrical apparatus, for the purpose of reducing or contouring the body by the use of oil rub, salt, hot and cold packs, cold showers and cabinet baths.
MASSAGE THERAPY CLINIC. Any shop, establishment or place of business where any or all of the methods of massage therapy are administered or used.
MASSAGE THERAPY SCHOOL. Any duly registered massage therapy establishment where a tuition is charged for the instruction of massage therapy techniques.
NUDE MODEL. Any person who engages in nude modeling for a nude modeling studio.
NUDE MODELING. The posing by any person with his or her sexual and/or genital areas exposed, while such person is an employee or receiving other compensation by or through any nude modeling studio, as defined in this section. However, nude modeling at or on behalf of any properly accredited institution of higher learning shall not fall within this definition.
NUDE MODELING STUDIO. Any shop, establishment, place of business or other operation that employs or otherwise compensates persons for serving as models for purposes of nude modeling. However, any properly accredited institution of higher learning shall not fall within this definition.
PRIVATE CLUB. An organization or association maintaining clubrooms or other recreation or social facilities used primarily for purposes other than a bathhouse or massage parlor, membership in which is limited to persons paying regular dues or assessments.
PRIVATE HEALTH CLUB. A facility for exercise and physical training which is operated for and open only to members of a private club and their invited guests.
SEXUAL AND GENITAL AREA. The sexual or genital area of any person and shall include the genitals, pubic area, anus or perineum or any person, or the vulva or breast of the female.
('77 Code, § 122.01) (Ord. 22-79, passed 6-11-79)