For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
ACTIVE SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEM. A solar energy system whose primary purpose is to harvest energy by transforming solar energy into another form of energy or transferring heat from a collector to another medium using mechanical, electrical, or chemical means.
BUILDING-INTEGRATED SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEMS. An active solar energy system that is an, integral part of a principal or accessory building, rather than a separate mechanical device, replacing or substituting for an architectural or structural component of the building. Building-integrated system include but not limited to photovoltaic or hot water solar energy systems that are contained within roofing materials, windows, skylights and awnings.
GRID-INTERTIE SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEM. A photovoltaic solar energy system that is connected to an electric circuit served by an electric utility company.
GROUND-MOUNT. A solar energy system mounted on a rack or pole that rests on or is attached to the ground.
OFF-GRID SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEM. A photovoltaic solar energy system in which the circuits energized by the solar energy system are not electrically connected in any way to electric circuits that are served by an electric utility company.
PASSIVE SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEM. A solar energy system that captures solar light or heat without transforming it to another form of energy or transferring the energy via a heat exchanger.
PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM. An active solar energy system that converts solar energy directly into electricity.
POLLINATOR PLANTS. Pollinator plants shall be those plants designated on the United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service pollinator plane list.
RENEWABLE ENERGY EASEMENT, SOLAR ENERGY EASEMENT. An easement that limits the height or location, or both, of permissible development on the burdened land of a structure or vegetation, or both, for the purpose of providing access for the benefitted land to wind or sunlight passing over the burdened land.
ROOF MOUNT. A solar energy system that is mounted on a rack that is fastened onto a building roof.
SOLAR ACCESS. Unobstructed access to direct sunlight on a lot or building through the entire year, including access across adjacent parcel air rights, for the purpose of capturing direct sunlight to operate a solar energy system.
SOLAR COLLECTOR. An assembly, structure, and the associated equipment and housing, designed for gathering, concentrating, or absorbing direct and indirect solar energy for which the primary purpose is to convert or transform solar radiant energy into thermal, mechanical, chemical or electrical energy.
SOLAR ENERGY. Radiant energy received from the sun that can be collected in the form of heat or light by a solar collector.
SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEM (SES). All components required to become a complete assembly for structure that will convert solar energy into electricity for use.
SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEM ADDITION. A private solar energy system which is structurally attached to a building or structure on a zoning lot on which said system is located. Said system shall be considered part of the building and shall comply with all provisions of this ordinance pertaining thereto.
SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEM, PRIVATE. A collection of one or more solar collectors designed for use by the occupant(s) of the zoning lot on which said system is located; excess power generation is limited to net metering or similar technology with regulations set by the local power utility, community, county, and state. Private solar energy system equipment shall conform to applicable industry standards, and applicants for building permits for private solar energy systems shall submit certificates from equipment manufactures that the equipment is manufactured in compliance with industry standards.
SOLAR FARM. A commercial facility either more than 20 acres in size or more than two megawatts a/c in capacity that converts sunlight into electricity, whether by photovoltaics (PV), concentrating solar thermal devices (CST), or other conversion technology, for the primary purpose of wholesale sales of generated electricity. A solar farm is the principal land use for the parcel on which it is located.
SOLAR GARDEN. A commercial solar-electric (photovoltaic) array, of no more than 20 acres in size and two megawatts or less a/c in capacity, that provides retail electric power (or a financial proxy for retail power) to multiple households or businesses residing in or located off-site from the location of the solar energy system. A county solar garden may be either an accessory use, when a part of existing or a proposed subdivision or a special use if it is a stand-alone garden.
SOLAR HEAT EXCHANGER. A component of a solar energy device that is used to transfer heat from one substance to another.
SOLAR HOT AIR SYSTEM. An active solar energy system (also referred to as solar air heat or solar furnace) that includes a solar collector to provide direct supplemental space heating by heating and re-circulating conditioned building air.
SOLAR HOT WATER SYSTEM. A system (also referred to as solar thermal) that includes a solar collector and a heat exchanger that heats or preheats water for building heating systems or other hot water needs, including residential domestic hot water and hot water for commercial processes.
SOLAR MOUNTING DEVICES. Racking, frames, or other devices that allow the mounting of a solar collector onto a roof surface or the ground.
SOLAR STORAGE UNIT. A component of a solar energy device that is used to store solar generated electricity or heat for later use.
(Ord. 2021-MC12, passed 12-13-2021)