The City Administrator shall serve as the city's emergency management coordinator and, as authorized by the Illinois Emergency Management Agency Act, ILCS Ch. 20, Act 3305, § 10, as may hereinafter be amended, shall serve as the City's Liaison Officer who shall facilitate the cooperation and protection of the city in the work of disaster mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery with applicable governmental bodies, relief services, police and emergency authorities, and any other organizations. In the event of the absence, resignation, death or inability of the City Administrator to serve as the emergency management coordinator and as the Liaison Officer, the City's Public Information Officer shall serve as the emergency management coordinator and as the Liaison Officer. In the absence of either the City Administrator or the City's Public Information Officer, the same power and authority stated above, shall be granted to those persons listed in the following line of succession:
(A) Police Chief.
(B) Fire Chief.
(C) Assistant Fire Chief.
(D) Public Works Director.
(E) Person appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council at its earliest opportunity.
(Ord. 2020-MC04, passed 3-20-2020)