As authorized by the Illinois Emergency Management Agency Act, ILCS Ch. 20, Act 3305, § 11, as may be hereinafter amended, concurrently with the execution of a declaration of a state of emergency or a declaration of a local disaster as provided under this chapter, or at any time after such declaration but prior to the expiration thereof, the Mayor may in his/her sole discretion and in the interest of public safety and welfare make any one or more or all of the following orders:
   (A)   Order the imposition of a curfew within certain hours specified by the Mayor in the order imposing such curfew;
   (B)   Order such other safeguards and precautions as are, in the opinion of the Mayor, necessary or appropriate for the protection of life and property in the city and for the elimination of such state of emergency, local disaster, or public health emergency; provided, however, that such orders shall not supersede the regularly constituted authority of the City Administrator, Police Chief, Fire Chief, or Public Works Director.
(Ord. 2020-MC04, passed 3-20-2020)