§ 156.02  DEFINITIONS.
   All words used in this chapter shall have the same meaning and definition as set forth in the Environmental Protection Act, ILCS Ch. 415,  Act. 5, § 1 et seq. (hereinafter the “Act”) unless otherwise set forth herein below.  Defined terms in this chapter need not be capitalized to have the meaning proscribed to them in this section or the Act.
   ACT.  The Environmental Protection Act, ILCS Ch. 415,  Act. 5, § 1 et seq.
   APPLICANT. Any person, group of persons, partnership, firm, association, corporation, company or organization of any kind that files an application for site approval pursuant to this chapter.
   CITY. The City of Villa Grove, Illinois.
   CITY COUNCIL.  The City Council of the City of Villa Grove.
   CITY CLERK.  The City Clerk for the City of Villa Grove, Illinois, or the Clerk’s designee.  Most references to the City Clerk refer to the administrative office of the City Clerk.
   FACILITY.  A new pollution control facility as defined in the Act.
   FINANCE DIRECTOR.  The City of Villa Grove Comptroller and/or City Treasurer.
   HAZARDOUS WASTE SITE. A site where hazardous waste is received, stored, treated, dumped or disposed.  HAZARDOUS WASTE is defined by the Act.
   HEARING OFFICER.  An attorney, licensed to practice in the State of Illinois, appointed by the Mayor to conduct the public hearing(s) associated with a siting petition.
   IEPA. The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency.
   MAYOR. The Mayor of the City of Villa Grove, Illinois.
   PETITION.  The application filed by the applicant requesting site approval for a facility.
(Ord. 042604D, passed 4-26-04)