(A) General. In a M-P District, no structure or land shall be used, and no structure shall be altered, enlarged or erected, which is arranged, intended, or designed for other than 1 of the uses listed in the use regulations of this District.
(B) Mobile home parks. Mobile home parks shall be subject to the following regulations.
(1) The tract to be used for a mobile home park shall not be less than 3 acres in area.
(2) The mobile home park shall be under 1 ownership land control and individual occupants other than the owner shall not purchase or own any piece, parcel or portion of the park.
(3) Mobile home parks shall be located on a well-drained site, properly graded to insure rapid drainage and freedom from stagnant pools of water.
(4) Mobile home parks hereafter approved shall have a maximum density of 8 mobile homes per gross acre and a minimum area of 4,000 square feet shall be provided for each mobile home space.
(5) Each mobile home space shall be at least 40 feet wide.
(6) Mobile homes shall be located on each space so as to maintain a minimum setback of 30 feet from any public street, highway right-of-way, or M-P District boundary, as to maintain a minimum setback of 10 feet from the edge of a park roadway, or sidewalk or a rear boundary line when the boundary line is not common to any public street, highway right-of-way, or M-P District boundary; and as to maintain a minimum setback of 5 feet from any side boundary line of a mobile home space.
(7) Each mobile home space shall have a surface containing pads, runners or piers constructed of portland cement or asphaltic concrete upon which the mobile home will be situated and each home shall be equipped with skirts on all sides, the skirts to be of material harmonious to the mobile home structure.
(8) All mobile homes shall be so located as to maintain a clearance of not less than 20 feet from another mobile home and as to maintain a clearance of not less than 12 feet between any mobile home and any appurtenance to a mobile home. No mobile home shall be located closer than 25 feet from any building within the park.
(9) At least 2 parking spaces for each mobile home shall be provided within 60 feet of the mobile home. The parking space shall be off the public street or private drive and each shall be not less than 9 feet by 20 feet in size. Each parking space shall be surfaced with at least 6 inches of compact stone base with 2 inches of hot mix bituminous concrete or 6 inches of portland cement concrete.
(10) All mobile home space shall front upon a private roadway of not less than 28 feet in width, including curbs on each side. If parallel parking is permitted on both sides of the street, the width shall be increased to 36 feet. All roadways shall have unobstructed access to a public street.
(11) Common walks shall be provided in locations where pedestrian traffic is concentrated; for example, to the entrances of the office and other important facilities. Common walks shall preferably be through interior areas removed from the vicinity of streets.
(12) All roadways and sidewalks within the mobile home park shall conform to specifications outlined in Chapter 154 of this code.
(13) A community building may be provided which may include recreation facilities, laundry facilities, storm shelter and other similar uses.
(14) Each mobile home park shall devote a minimum of 300 square feet per mobile home space for recreational area, and required setbacks, roadway, and off-street parking spaces shall not be considered as a recreation space. If individual recreational areas are provided, they shall contain a minimum area of 5,000 square feet and required setbacks, roadway and off-street parking spaces shall not be considered as recreation space. A minimum of 50% of the recreational facilities shall be constructed prior to the development of one-half of the project, and all recreational facilities shall be constructed by the time the project is 75% developed.
(15) (a) A semi-solid fence or wall, minimum 6 feet, maximum 8 feet high, shall be provided between the mobile home park district and any adjoining property or property immediately across an alley which is zoned for purposes other than for mobile homes. The fence shall be so located as to not be in violation of the intersection clear sight distance as defined in Chapter 154 of this code.
(b) In lieu of the fence or wall, a landscape buffer may be provided not less than 25 feet in width and the landscape buffer shall be planted with coniferous and deciduous plant material so as to provide proper screening for the park. When the landscape buffer is used in lieu of the fence or wall, the landscape buffer shall not be included as any part of the required rear yard for a mobile home space. The fence, wall, or landscape buffer shall be properly policed and maintained by the owner.
(16) Each mobile home space may be provided with a paved patio of not less than 200 square feet. If accessory storage buildings are provided, they shall be designed in a manner that will enhance and park and shall be constructed of weather- resistant materials and set on a permanent foundation or concrete slab and bolted down. If accessory storage or other buildings not contained in the approved plan are erected, they shall be erected in compliance with this subchapter and any applicable ordinances of the city and only after a building permit has been issued by the Building Official.
(17) A mobile home park shall not be used for other than residential purposes: mobile homes may be offered for sale in the mobile home park only by resident owners.
(18) Any substantial deviation, as determined by the Building Official from the approved plan, shall constitute a violation of the building or zoning permit authorizing construction of the project. Changes in plans shall be resubmitted for reconsideration and approval by the Plan Commission and City Council prior to the issuance of a building or zoning permit.
(C) Home occupations.
(D) Accessory buildings and uses (if erected after park is built see division (B)(16) herein).
(1992 Code, § 155.083) (Ord. 042478, passed 4-24-1978) Penalty, see § 155.999