Construction of a mobile home park within the city shall begin only after special use permit has been granted by the City Council in compliance with the Zoning Code.  No permit shall be granted, however, until a development plan for the proposed mobile home park has been prepared and submitted by the developer to the Plan Commission and found satisfactory by the Commission and further submitted to the City Council with a recommendation for approval.
   (A)   The plan shall be accurately drawn to a scale of not less than 1 inch equals 100 feet and shall show the following:
      (1)   Contours at intervals of 1 foot unless specified otherwise by the Commission;
      (2)   Proposed streets and drive patterns;
      (3)   Proposed mobile home spaces and their dimensions;
      (4)   Any existing streets in or abutting the property;
      (5)   Location and size of parking spaces;
      (6)   Location and size of park and playground area;
      (7)   Screening and landscaping;
      (8)   Legal description of the tract;
      (9)   Name of the developer and the firm preparing the plan;
      (10)   North point, scale and date;
      (11)   Drainage plat.
   (B)   The Commission shall upon submission of 3 copies of the plan and an application for a special use permit, publish notice and hold a hearing on the proposal, in conformance with the Zoning Code. The decision of the Commission to recommend approval or denial of the proposed mobile home park shall be based upon the following criteria:
      (1)   The proposed property will be in harmony, in general, with existing land use in the city;
      (2)   Safe and efficient ingress and egress of vehicles and pedestrian traffic and an adequate level of utility and other services is assured;
      (3)   A safe and healthful living environment will exist for the occupants of the park.
   (C)   Upon hearing and consideration of the project, the Commission shall, within reasonable time, submit its recommendation and an endorsed copy of the plans to the City Council for final action.
   (D)   After 24 months from the date of approval of a special use permit by the City Council, if the mobile home park is not improved in accordance with the plans to the extent that utilities, surfaced drives and occupied mobile home spaces exist over at least 20% of the area of the approved park, the special use permit shall expire and further development and additional occupancy of the park shall be prohibited. All mobile homes shall be removed within 6 months of the date of expiration of a special use permit. The owner or his or her agent may apply for a new special use permit in the case of expiration or cancellation under procedures set out in the Zoning Code.
(1992 Code, § 155.082)  (Ord. 042478, passed 4-24-1978)