(A)   Purpose.
      (1)   This district is created to protect the public health and to reduce the financial burden imposed on the city, its governmental units and its individuals, which may result from improper use of lands having excessively high water tables or are subject to frequent and periodic floods. As the lands are adequately drained or sufficiently protected from the risk of overflow, they shall be removed from the Flood Plain District and reclassified into an appropriate use district. The determination and reclassification shall be made by the Plan Commission in accordance with the §§ 155.200 through 155.205.
      (2)   The Flood Plain Zone shall be considered as all land below 647.0 feet mean sea level which is the limit for a 20 to 25 year flood.
   (B)   Permitted uses.  The following uses are permitted.
      (1)   Open type uses such as loading and unloading areas, parking lots, storage of motor vehicles (new and used) for not more than 24-hour periods and gardens, auxiliary to uses permitted in an adjoining district.
      (2)   Storage yards for equipment and materials in movable containers and not subject to major damage by flood, provided the uses are permitted in an adjoining district, but not including acids, caustics, flammable liquids, trash, rags, bottles, scrap metal or any other materials commonly referred to as “junk.”
      (3)   Open-type public and private recreational facilities, such as public parks, forest preserves, golf clubs, golf driving ranges, drive-in theaters, recreational lakes and other similar recreational uses, subject to all other provisions of the Zoning Code.
      (4)   Agricultural uses, including farming, grazing and livestock raising, provided the uses are permitted in an adjoining district.
      (5)   Any other uses customarily accessory or incidental to the above uses.
      (6)   Railroad rights-of-way and trackage.
      (7)   Planned single-family residential developments in unsubdivided areas only, provided that subsequent conditions of use have been satisfied.
      (8)   Single-family residences on lots of record prior to the effectuation date of the Zoning Code, provided that subsequent conditions of use have been satisfied.
   (C)   Special uses.  The following special uses are permitted:
      (1)   Storage yards for equipment and materials in movable containers and not subject to major damage by flood, provided the uses are permitted in an adjoining district, but not including acids, caustics, flammable liquids, trash, rags, bottles, scrap metal or any other materials commonly referred to as “junk.”
      (2)   Planned single-family residential developments in unsubdivided areas only, provided that subsequent conditions of use have been satisfied.
      (3)   Single-family residences on lots of record prior to the effective date of the Zoning Code, provided that subsequent conditions of use have been satisfied.
   (D)   Conditions of use.  In the F-1 District, the following conditions of use shall pertain.
      (1)   No filling of land shall be permitted except when approved by the Plan Commission and following a report from the city and subject to the conditions as may be stipulated to protect the public interest.
      (2)   The natural drainage grade shall not be substantially altered.
      (3)   Any structures permitted shall be placed on the lot so as to offer the minimum obstruction to the flow of water and shall be firmly anchored to prevent the structure from floating away and thus threatening to further restrict bridge openings and other restricted sections of the stream.
      (4)   Where, in the opinion of the Commission, topographic data, engineering data and other studies are needed to determine the effects of flooding on a proposed structure of the effect of the structure on the flow of water, the Commission may require the applicant to submit the data or other studies prepared by competent engineers or other technicians.
      (5)   All uses permitted shall be subject to approval of the Commission and to the conditions as may be stipulated to protect the public interest.
      (6)   No basement or other floor shall be constructed below ground level.
      (7)   No building or structure shall be erected and no existing building or structure shall be moved unless the main floor elevation of the building or structure is established with a finished first floor elevation not less than 2 feet above the level of the 10-year flood recurrence interval.
      (8)   Planned single-family residential developments, where permitted shall contain adequate storm drainage or other facilities capable of protecting the area from flooding.
      (9)   All planned single-family residential developments shall be subject to the final approval of the City Council, based on recommendations from the Commission and the City Engineer that all of the foregoing requirements of this division (D) have been complied with.
   (E)   Flood plain fringe areas.  Areas lying outside of and immediately adjacent to the Flood Plain District, as shown on the zoning map, shall be subject to the following regulations.
      (1)   No basement floor or other floor shall be constructed below or at a lower elevation than the elevation of the high water mark for the 10-year flood recurrence interval.
      (2)   Land may be filled within the flood plain fringe areas, provided the fill shall extend at least 25 feet beyond the limits of any structure erected thereon.
      (3)   Foundations of all structures shall be designed to withstand floor conditions at the site. Structural designs of foundations shall be approved by the City Engineer, who shall certify in writing that the foundations shall withstand specific flood conditions.
(1992 Code, § 155.070)  (Ord. passed 5- -1969)  Penalty, see § 155.999
Cross reference:
   For provisions concerning flood control, see Chapter 151