(A)   The subdivider shall cause to be prepared a preliminary plat, which plat shall include all of the property owned or controlled by the applicant, which properties are adjacent to or considered to be contiguous to the property, together with improvement plans and other supplementary material as specified below.
      (1)   Existing conditions. Topographic data required as a basis for the preliminary plat, in division (B) below, shall include existing conditions as follows, except when otherwise specified by the Plan Commission:
         (a)   Boundary lines;
         (b)   Easements; location, width, purpose and legal description;
         (c)   Streets on and adjacent to the tract; name or right-of-way and location, type, width and elevation of street surfacing; any legally established centerline elevations, walks, curbs, gutters, culverts, and the like;
         (d)   Utilities on and adjacent to the tract; location, size of sanitary, storm and combined sewers; location and size of water mains. If water mains and sewers are not on or adjacent to the tract, indicate the direction and distance to and the size of nearest useable facilities;
         (e)   Other conditions on the tract; water courses, marshes, rock outcrops, wooded areas, isolated preservable trees 1-foot or more in diameter, houses, barns, shacks and other significant features;
         (f)   Other conditions on adjacent land; approximate direction and gradient of ground slope, including any embankments or retaining walls, character and location of buildings, railroads, power lines, towers and other nearby nonresidential land uses of adverse influences; and owners of adjacent unplatted land (for adjacent platted land refer to subdivision plat by name, recording date, and number, and show approximate percentage of build-up, typical lot size, and dwelling type);
         (g)   Zoning on and adjacent to the tract;
         (h)   Key plan showing location of the tract;
         (i)   Title and certificates. Present tract designation according to official records in offices of the County Recorder; title under which proposed subdivision is to be recorded, with names and addresses of owners, notation stating acreage, scale north arrow;
         (j)   Ground elevations on the tract, based on the mean sea level datum. For land that slopes less than .50%, show not less than 1-foot contours; for land that slopes .50% to 2%, show not less than 2-foot contours; and for land that slopes more than 2%, show not less than 5-foot contours.
      (2)   Proposed conditions. Preliminary plat shall be at a scale of 100 feet to the inch, or if the area of the subdivision is more than 200 acres, 200 feet to the inch. It shall show all existing conditions required in division (A) herein, topographic data and shall show all proposed conditions, including the following unless otherwise specified by the Plan Commission.
         (a)   Street; names, right-of-way and roadway widths, approximate grades and gradients, similar data for alleys, if any.
         (b)   Other rights-of-way or easements; location, width and purpose.
         (c)   Location of utilities, including overhead lines if not shown on other exhibits.
         (d)   Lot lines with scaled lot dimensions and total number of lots.
         (e)   Sites, if any for multi-family dwellings, shopping centers, churches, industry, or other non-public uses exclusive of single-family dwellings.
         (f)   Sites, if any, to be reserved or dedicated for schools, parks, playgrounds or other public uses.
         (g)   Proposed building setback lines.
         (h)   Site data, including number of residential lots, typical lot size, acres in parks, etc., layout, numbers and dimensions of lots and blocks.
         (i)   Proposed name of the subdivision.
         (j)   Location by section, township and range.
         (k)   Name and address of the developer and name and address of owner.
         (l)   Name and address of the planner or engineer.
         (m)   Certification of title showing that applicant is land owner.
         (n)   1.   A statement that the proposed subdivision (where contiguous) is or is not to be annexed to the city.
            2.   A preliminary plan for sewer, water and storm sewers shall be provided indicating whether the water supply is public or private; showing the location of storm sewer drains, if required, and methods to be employed to overcome particular problems that may be encountered with the development of the proposed subdivision.
            3.   Where the sanitary sewage facilities are proposed to be provided by individual septic systems, percolation tests shall be made on the property and a report on these tests prepared by an Illinois registered professional engineer. These tests shall be made at a frequency of 1 test hole for each 5 lots or each 3 acres, whichever requires the greater number of test borings.
         (o)   Title, scale, north point and date.
         (p)   Formal certificates. A certificate shall appear on all plats submitted to the Plan Commission as follows:
Recommended to the City Council of Villa Grove for preliminary approval, subject to the conditions and recommendation, if any, as here attached.
            Chairman  -  Plan Commission
   (B)   Ten copies of the preliminary plat and supplementary material specified shall be submitted to the City Clerk at the first regular meeting of the City Council.
      (1)   The City Council shall, by motion, refer the preliminary plat to the Plan Commission and shall, at the same time, instruct the City Engineer to collaborate with the Commission in assembling plans for the design and construction of streets and the other public improvements as are required by these regulations or any other applicable ordinances of the city. The Commission and the City Engineer shall review the preliminary plat for compliance with these regulations and any applicable ordinances of the city and the Commission shall, within 30 days from referral, unless an extension is approved by the City Council:
         (a)   Approve or disapprove the proposed preliminary subdivision plat and submit its written recommendations, which shall include the recommendations of the City Engineer, to the City Council; or
         (b)   If the Plan Commission finds that changes, additions or corrections are required on the preliminary plat, the Commission shall so advise the subdivider in writing. The subdivider may resubmit the revised preliminary plat to the Commission without paying an additional fee for its consideration at the next regular meeting of the Commission. The Commission shall at the meeting approve or disapprove the preliminary plat and submit its recommendations in writing, which shall include the recommendations of the City Engineer, to the City Council and the subdivider.
      (2)   If the plat is approved by the Plan Commission, the City Council shall accept or reject the plat within 30 days after its next regular stated meeting following the action of the Commission. The applicant and the City Council may mutually agree to extend the 30-day period.
      (3)   The following qualifications shall govern approval of the preliminary plat.
         (a)   Approval of a preliminary plat by the Plan Commission and City Council is tentative only, involving merely the general acceptability of the layout as submitted.
         (b)   The Plan Commission and City Council may require the changes or revisions as are deemed necessary in the interest of the needs of the community or attaining the purposes set forth in this chapter.
         (c)   Approval of the preliminary plat shall be effective for a maximum period of 1 year unless, upon application of the developer, the Plan Commission and the City Council grant an extension. The application for the extension shall not require an additional filing fee, or the submittal of additional copies of the plan of subdivision.
   (C)   Fee for the approval of preliminary plats.  Ten dollars for each preliminary plat plus $1 for each lot within the proposed subdivision, with a minimum total charge of $15.  All the fees shall be payable to the city by certified check or money order.
(1992 Code, § 154.16)  (Ord. 061278, passed 6-12-1978)