(A) Only permanent employees are entitled to paid holidays. Temporary employees will not report to work for city holidays, and will not be paid for such holidays.
(B) The city has 9 holidays per year. If a holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday is observed as a holiday. If a holiday falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday is observed as a holiday. The official holidays of the city are as follows:
(1) New Year's Day;
(2) Memorial Day;
(3) Independence Day;
(4) Labor Day;
(5) Veteran's Day;
(6) Thanksgiving Day;
(7) The day after Thanksgiving Day;
(8) Christmas Day; and
(9) One floating holiday to be approved by each employee's supervisor during the calendar year (January 1 - December 31).
(C) A paid holiday will be considered an 8-hour day regardless of whether the employee is an 8-hour shift employee or 10-hour shift employee.
(D) An employee who is absent without leave or without making advance arrangements, on the working day immediately preceding or following a holiday will lose pay for the holiday, as well as for the other day or days off.
(E) Employees wishing to observe religious holidays not listed herein will, at their option to be given time off without pay or have the time charged to their vacation.
(F) Holiday pay for permanent part-time employees will be prorated based on the number of hours worked (i.e., an employee working 75% time will be paid for 75% of a day [6 hours]).
(G) Appointed officers will be paid for holidays as follows: Department heads will not work on holidays except for emergency situations as approved by Committee Chairmen. If the department head does work, they will be paid at their regular rate of pay for actual hours on the job (no payment to be made for on call time) in addition to their regular holiday pay. Employees required to work on holidays due to an emergency situation, in addition to their holiday pay, will be paid for the number of hours worked.
(H) An employee who is receiving short-term disability benefits and/or worker's compensation benefits will be entitled to holiday pay in the amount necessary to bring his or her salary for the holiday to 100% of the normal rate.
(Ord. 062402A, passed 6-24-2002; Am. Ord. 041204A, passed 4-12-2004; Am. Ord. 2005-MC12, passed 10-24-2005; Am. Ord. 2005-MC16, passed 12-12-2005)