(A)   Office created.  There is hereby created the office of City Administrator.
   (B)   Appointment.  The City Administrator shall be appointed by the Mayor by and with the advice and consent of the majority of the Aldermen then holding office. 
   (C)   Removal.  The City Administrator may be removed by the Mayor by and with the advice and consent of the majority of the Aldermen then holding office.  The Mayor and Aldermen shall not be required to give cause for the removal.  Upon receiving notice of his removal from office, the City Administrator shall be entitled to the equivalent of 2 weeks pay.
   (D)   Requirements of the office.  The City Administrator shall have qualifications substantially equivalent to those of a city manager, including educational and professional training and/or experience in administrative and management principles and procedures.  At the time of his appointment he or she need not be a resident of the city but during his tenure of office he or she shall reside within the city.  No Alderman or Mayor shall receive the appointment during the term for which he or she shall have been elected, nor within 1 year after the expiration of his term.  The City Administrator shall comply with all applicable provisions herein.
   (E)   General duties.  The City Administrator shall be the chief administrative officer of the city and shall be responsible to the Mayor and to the City Council for the administration and operation of all of the affairs and the departments of the city.  As such, he or she shall have the administration and control of all matters and things pertaining to the operation and maintenance of the properties of the city and of all of the departments of the city.  The City Administrator shall be responsible for effectuating all action of the Corporate Authorities which require administrative implementation or where the Corporate Authorities have directed him to act.
   (F)   Policy.  The policy of the city shall be as specified by the Corporate Authorities.  The City Administrator shall implement all of the policy.  Whenever possible, all questions of policy will be forwarded to the City Administrator so that he or she may make policy recommendations to the Corporate Authorities.
   (G)   City Council meetings.  The City Administrator shall attend all meetings of the City Council unless excused therefrom by the Corporate Authorities.  He or she shall have the privilege of taking part in the discussion of all matters coming before the City Council.  He or she shall prepare the agenda for all City Council meetings.
   (H)   Financial duties.  The City Administrator shall be responsible for developing budgeting procedures and preparing the annual and capital budgets.  He or she shall be responsible for the preparation of all budget and financial reports.  He or she shall be responsible for developing and implementing a standardized purchasing policy for the city in accordance with division (F) above.
   (I)   Personnel duties.  The City Administrator shall serve as personnel officer for the city and shall prepare and implement a standardized personnel policy in accordance with division (F) above.  He or she shall recommend to the Mayor all appointments, discharges, promotions, and disciplinary actions except for those personnel actions specifically delegated to someone else by this code or by state statute.
   (J)   External relations.  The City Administrator shall keep informed of current developments in the field of municipal administration, proposed and pending state and federal regulations and legislation, and the availability of state and federal funds for local purposes.  He or she shall attend the meetings and represent the city in the relations as approved by the Mayor.  He or she shall have no powers to enter the city into any binding agreement with any person, firm, corporation, agency or organization of any kind.
   (K)   Investigations and recommendations.  The City Administrator shall make investigations into the affairs of the city or any department thereof and shall investigate all complaints in relation to matters concerning city services and city administration.  He or she shall submit as he or she deems necessary recommendations and suggestions for improving the health, safety, or welfare of the city to the Corporate Authorities.  He or she shall submit as he or she deems necessary recommendations for the amendments and/or additions to the city’s policy. 
   (L)   Other officers.  Nothing in this section shall be construed to remove powers or duties vested in any elected office by this code or by state statute.
   (M)    Additional duties.  The City Administrator shall perform the other duties as may be explicitly assigned to him by the Corporate Authorities or as may be implicitly assigned to him by ordinance or city policy.
(1992 Code, § 31.32)  (Am. Ord. 080877, passed 8-8-77)