The Animal Officer of the City shall seize and impound any dog or cat found running at large within the City.
   If the dog or cat is wearing a valid registration tag or other identification, or if the owner is known, the Animal Officer shall make a reasonable effort to return such dog or cat to the owner. Upon returning the dog or cat as aforesaid, the Animal Officer shall serve upon the owner a citation to appear before the Police Judge of the City at a time not less than five days from the time of such service; prior to the time fixed for appearance the Animal Officer shall deliver to the Judge a copy of the citation and shall sign a complaint setting forth the violation.
   If the dog or cat is not returned to the owner pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the Animal Officer shall impound such dog or cat.
   If the owner desires to redeem such dog or cat within five days from the date the dog or cat was impounded, he may do so by paying to the Animal Officer, or his designated agent, the following costs and fees:
   (a)    Impounding and reclamation fee of thirty dollars ($30.00).
   (b)    A boarding fee of four dollars ($4.00) per day.
   No dog shall be released from the pound until all of the foregoing costs have been paid and the dog is wearing a valid registration tag.
   If the owner of such impounded dog or cat has not redeemed such dog or cat, as provided by this section, within five days from the date the dog or cat was impounded, such dog or cat shall be sold at private or public sale, destroyed or otherwise disposed of by the Animal Officer. (6-10-82)