(a)   No person shall drive or propel or cause to be driven or propelled along or over any road within this area any vehicle at a greater rate of speed than fifteen miles per hour, unless otherwise posted.
   (b)   No person shall drive any vehicle on any area except the paved roadways or parking areas except individuals who are operating a manually operated or power-driven wheelchair or other power-driven mobility device (OPDMD) as defined below.
      (1)   A wheelchair is defined as a manually operated or power-driven device designed for use by an individual with a mobility disability for the purpose of locomotion.
      (2)   An other power-driven mobility device (OPDMD) is defined as any mobility device powered by batteries, fuel or other engines that is used by individuals with mobility disabilities for the purpose of locomotion, whether or not it was designed primarily for use by individuals with mobility disabilities. OPDMD’s may include golf cars/carts, electronic personal assistance mobility devices, such as the Segway Personal Transporter (PT) or any mobility device that is not a wheelchair and is designed to operate in areas without defined pedestrian routes.
      (3)   City officials, their agents or assigns, may not ask an individual using a wheelchair or OPDMD about the nature or extent of his or her disability. They may ask a person using an OPDMD to provide a credible assurance that the mobility device is required because of a mobility disability, by either:
         A.   Showing a valid, State-issued, disability parking placard or card or other State-issued proof of a disability; or
         B.   By verbally stating that the OPDMD is being used by a person with a mobility disability (as long as the statement does not contradict observable fact).
   (c)   The State laws relating to lights on vehicles and other standards required by State law shall apply to all vehicles within the property.
   (d)   Any foot paths, pedestrian walks, and nature trails designated and established for travel shall not be used for vehicular travel.
   (e)   No person shall leave any vehicle on the property between 10:00 p.m. and dawn without the written permission from the Mayor, Chief of Police, Fire Chief or the Parks Director or an authorized representative of the same, unless the person is attending an event approved for extension beyond the 10:00 p.m. closing.
   (f)   No person shall refuse to comply with any order or request relating to the regulation, direction or control of traffic, or to any another order or request lawfully given by a police officer.
   (g)   No person may park a vehicle on a roadway or parking area in such a manner or under such conditions as to impede or obstruct the normal and safe flow of traffic.
   (h)   No person shall operate a vehicle on the property without the use of a muffler adequate to deaden the sound of the engine in the vehicle.
   (i)   No person may operate a vehicle on the property which emits excessive noxious fumes or dense smoke.
   (j)   No person operating a motor vehicle or other equipment on the property may use a siren or other type of loud sounding device which makes unusually loud and unnecessary noise. (Ord. 07-16. Passed 9-8-16.)