(a)   The monthly service charge for properties other than described in the previous section shall be ten dollars ($10.00). Council may, from time to time, by ordinance, change these service charges. The monthly service charge for non-residential properties may include a fixed charge, a fee based on impervious area, a fee based on building area, or a combination of the same.
   (b)   Service charges for a multi-unit property shall be billed to each individual tenant upon the property. Occupants of a residential dwelling (an apartment) who are serviced by individual meters shall be assessed at the same rate as persons occupying single family dwellings. At the discretion of the property owner, or if the individual tenants do not have individual drinking water service meters, service charges for a multi-unit property may be billed to the property owner. A property owner exercising this choice must complete a written agreement as required by the Executive Director.
   (c)   The Executive Director shall assign discount credits to properties employing volumetric flow reduction and/or rate of flow reduction practices or facilities.
(Ord. 09-16. Passed 12-22-16.)