For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates, or requires, a different meaning.
   RECYCLABLES. Newsprint, aluminum beverage cans, bi-metal and ferrous cans, Category #1 (polyethylene terepthalate) plastic containers, Category #2 (high density polyethylene) plastic containers, and clear glass bottles.
   TRASH. Ordinary household waste and garbage, including putrescible and nonputrescible solid and semi-solid items of waste, except for:
      (1)   Human and animal waste;
      (2)   Liquids;
      (3)   Liquid or water carried wastes which are normally disposed of in sanitary sewer systems;
      (4)   Hazardous wastes;
      (5)   Building materials;
      (6)   Appliances, furniture, household fixtures, and/or any other similar bulky items; and
      (7)   Lead acid batteries.
(Prior Code, § VI.1)