(A) The town provides for curbside collection of residential tree limbs and branches weekly. To expedite this collection, the town requires the following:
(1) Said material shall be tied in bundles weighing no more than 20 pounds;
(2) Said material shall be no longer that four feet in length;
(3) Said material shall be six inches in diameter or less; and
(4) Said material shall be placed at curbside no sooner than 24 hours prior to the weekly pickup schedule which will occur on every Monday.
(B) This section prohibits the placement of any materials in front of property that is not owned by the person putting out waste (for example, must be on your own property).
(C) If the brush load is over one truck load, a door tag will be hung and a fee of $100 will be charged to the customer.
(D) Only materials for which comply with these regulations shall be collected. No materials from landscapers, developers, or other commercial tree trimmers or other establishments shall be collected at any time.
(E) This section shall be enforced by either, or both the Town Police Department and/or the office of the Town Clerk-Treasurer.
(Prior Code, § VI.2)