(A)   The quantity of water discharged into the sanitary sewer system and obtained form sources other than the utility that serves the town shall be determined by the Board in such a manner as the Board shall reasonable elect, and the sewage service shall be billed at the above appropriate rates; further, as is provided by ordinance, the Board may make proper allowances after determining the sewage billed for quantities of water shown on the records to be consumed, but which are also shown to the satisfaction of the town that such quantities do not enter the sanitary sewage system.
      (1)   In the event two or more residential lots, parcels of real estate, or buildings discharging sanitary sewage water or other liquids into the town’s sanitary sewage system, either directly or indirectly, are users of water and the quantity of water is measured by a single water meter, then in each such case for billing purposes, the quantity of water used shall be averaged for each users, and the base charge and the flow rates and charges shall apply to each of the number of residential lots, parcels of real estate, or buildings served through the single water meter.
      (2)   In the event two or more dwelling units, such as mobile homes, apartments, or housekeeping rooms, discharging sanitary sewage, water, or other liquids into the town’s sanitary sewage system, either directly or indirectly, are users of water and the quantity of water is measured by a single water meter, then in such case, billing shall be for a single service in the manner set out elsewhere herein, except that the minimum bill shall be not less than the number of such dwelling units times the applicable minimum bill per month, based on meter size. In the case of mobile home courts, the number of dwelling units shall be computed and interpreted as the total number of mobile home spaces available for rent, plus any other dwelling unit’s services through the meter. A DWELLING UNIT shall be interpreted as a room or rooms, or any other space or spaces in which cooking facilities are provided.
   (B)   Such rates and charges shall be prepared, billed, and collected by the town in the manner provided by law and ordinance.
      (1)   The rates and charges for all users shall be prepared and billed monthly.
      (2)   The rates and charges may be billed to the tenant or tenants occupying the properties served, unless otherwise requested in writing by the owner, but such billing shall in no way relieve the owner from the liability in the event payment is not made as herein required. The owners of properties served, which are occupied by a tenant or tenants, shall have the right to examine the collection records of the town for the purpose of determining whether bills have been paid by such tenant or tenants; provided that such examination shall be made at the office at which said records are kept and during the hours that such office is open for business.
      (3)   As is provided by statute, all rates and charges not paid when due are hereby declared to be delinquent and a penalty of 10% of the amount of the rates or charges shall thereupon attach thereto. The past due date shall be the fifteenth day of the month after the period of service. Bills will be dated and mailed each month.
      (4)   The town shall, at least annually, in conjunction with a regular billing, notify the user of the rates and charges which are attributable to them.
   (C)   Any user who disputes any billing by the town or Board may file with the Board a written request and review of consideration within ten days such billing is received by the user, setting forth in detail the facts supporting the user’s request for reconsideration. The appeal shall, if reasonably possible, be heard by the Board within 30 days of the date of filing. Further appeal is available through the County Circuit Court under appeal procedure provided under the State Administrative Adjudication Act, being I.C. 4-21.5 and I.C. 4-22.
   (D)   In order that the rates and charges for sewage services shall be in proportion to the cost of providing services to the various users or user classes, the town shall, on a biennial basis, cause a study to be performed. Such study shall include, but not be limited to, an analysis of the costs associated with the treatment of excessive strength effluents from industrial users, volume, and delivery flow rate characteristics attributed to the various users or user classes, the financial position of the sewage works, and the adequacy of its revenue to provide reasonable funds for the operation and maintenance, replacement, debt service requirements, and capital improvements to the waste treatment system. The results of said study shall be utilized by the town to adjust rates as necessary to align revenues with costs. Said studies shall be conducted by officers or employees of the town or by a firm of certified public accountants or engineers as the town shall determine to be best under the circumstances.
   (E)   For service rendered to any department or agency of the town, the town shall be subject to the sewer charges provided herein.
   (F)   The town shall make and enforce such ordinances, bylaws, and regulations as may be deemed necessary for the safe, economical, and efficient management of the town’s sewage system, pumping station, and sewage treatment works for the construction and use of house sewers and connections to the sewage system, and for the regulation, collection, rebating, and refunding of such rates and charges.
(Prior Code, § XI.5)