(A)   A user charge system of sewage collection, treatment, and disposal should accomplish three primary objectives. They are:
      (1)   The charges should be proportional to cost of service among user groups and within user groups. All users should pay the same except where it can be established that the cost of providing service is not the same for all users or for all classes of users;
      (2)   The charges should be sufficient to provide revenues adequate to pay for the operation and maintenance of the system, the retirement of debt, and the establishment of reasonable reserves for contingencies; and
      (3)   The user charge system should provide for a surcharge to be based upon the contribution of strength determined to be stronger-than-normal domestic strength.
   (B)   The methodology will be that described in the user charge system developed pursuant to 40 C.F.R. § 35.2140.
(Prior Code, § XI.5)