(A)   In an effort to properly maintain the town’s cemetery grounds and burial sites, the town respectfully requests cooperation on the following:
      (1)   Remove all damaged, faded, and worn wreathes, artificial flowers, urns, and the like;
      (2)   Place all flowers, wreathes, and decorations on the headstands or base (nothing shall remain in the grass);
      (3)   Keep all shepherd hooks as near to the stone as possible;
      (4)   No benches or decorations shall be allowed on the grass;
      (5)   Do not make any live plantings without permission of the Town Council, as live plantings will be difficult to mow around. Live plantings shall therefore be cut down;
      (6)   If the items are not in proper places, they shall be removed and disposed of by the town. Anything that is of great expense shall be stored at the Town Garage and can be picked up by family members. Relatives and concerned persons may contact Town Hall at 812-427-3131 to make arrangements for pickup;
      (7)   Items may be set out a week prior to Memorial Day, but must be removed within ten days after;
      (8)   No decorative stone, gravel, or rock shall be allowed on graves; and
      (9)   Contracted mowing services or town employees will do any planting, mowing, digging, trimming, and the like. All other services are prohibited.
   (B)   These provisions shall pertain to graves and lots both already in existence and those yet to be constructed. An appropriate amount of time shall be given to accomplish the requirements of this section. Questions pertaining to this section may be directed to Town Hall at 812-427-3131.
(Ord. passed 11-8-2021) Penalty, see § 10.99